Feeding mature snakes?
I wanted to get some opinions on a question I've been pondering for a little while. I feed my adult corn snake 1 large mouse every week. At around 3.5 feet long, he's not a particularly large snake. Even though he eats more often than most adult corn snakes, he's not fat. He is powerfully built and has great muscle tone and strength. Is there a correlation?
A lot corn snake keepers recommend feeding an adult once every 10-14 days, but now I'm wondering if that might be a reason why a lot of adult snakes get kind of chubby. If they're getting fed less(not just less often) than maybe their metabolisms are slowing down enough that they aren't burning off the calories that are coming in. And on the flip side, if they're fed more often, maybe their bodies aren't conserving energy and are thus burning calories and staying lean and muscular. What do you guys think?