Re: Rip Bella
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I used to breed and keep chameleons for awhile; they are really amazing animals but require a lot of work. If and when you decide you'd like to get another chameleon, i would try very hard to get a male (they can be sexed right from hatch) as you will not have to deal with any reproductive issues, they grow larger, and are more colorful than the females. There are some pretty knowledgeable chameleon forums out there who can help you make adjustments to your husbandry if needed.
As others have said, Tightly wrapped in a paper towel and plastic wrap is the best way to preserve her remains until spring.
0.1 Jungle Carpet "Bhageera", 2.0 Corn snakes "Castor & Pollux", 1.1 Cal Kings "Lux & Nyx", 0.1 Honduran Milksnake "Demeter", 0.1 Rosy boa "Neki-monster", 1.0 Axolotl "Grendle", 2 tarantulas, 0.1 Leopard gecko "Remus", and a freezer full of mice (and Rats!)….