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Old 11-02-13, 05:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct-2013
Posts: 14
i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

okay i got my 6 foot boa I think its a red tail?? In a 60 gallon tank.. 4 feet long 17 inches wide and 17inches tall.. It has a screen top as lid but I have a piece of flat Wood on top covering the whole top lid.. it fits perfectly flush with no sign of a gap.. I use it to keep humidity in.. Is my snake able to breath like this??? its not sealed or nothing but i cant see a gap ...
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Old 11-02-13, 06:00 AM   #2
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Re: i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

How often do you open the top?
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Old 11-02-13, 06:29 AM   #3
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Re: i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

I'd say it's not good to restrict ventilation like that. Saw off a small portion and leave a few inches gap to allow airflow yet retain heat and humidity at the same time.
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Old 11-02-13, 07:29 AM   #4
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Re: i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

I use peg board under my screen lids. It keeps the heat and humidity in, but allows for ventilation. The screen lid still fits over top of the peg board so you can clip it down and it also [prevents the snake from rubbing it's nose on the screen.

Also on larger tank that have the support brace in the middle, I have had snakes go between the support brace and the screen lid and pop the lid off. With the peg board in place the support brace is no longer an issue.

I have found that Boa Constrictors have been the only snakes I have had issues with really trying to use excessive force to escape. The Burms, Rocks and Retics try to escape, but don't push as hard to get out. In my experience.
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Old 11-02-13, 08:00 AM   #5
Join Date: Oct-2013
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Re: i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

Ok yes my tank is one that has that glass support brace on top.. I open it everyday to get him out but i havent got him out since he recently just ate.. So i havent took off wood plank for 3 days till rightnow.. Do u guys think i was killing my snake by not letting it ventilate for almost 4days? I tend to overthink stuff (ocd) but do u guys think i could of harmed him? Maybe what i was telling u guys on last thread i started about him not moving much? Maybe it was cause of that? I opened screen an inch so that leaves a little gap since wood lays on frame of screen.. So if screen is open theres a small gap
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Old 11-03-13, 04:34 PM   #6
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Re: i have my 6 foot boa in a tank with wood on top of screens can he breathe??

I would just slide the wood down a half inch to let air in but that tank isn't big enough for a 6 foot boa anyway so i would build something more suited for him as soon as you can.
Not everyone is in the position to help animals, but everyone is in the position to not harm them.- A.D. Williams
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