Originally Posted by bikerecho
thanks for the replys.
it's actually that a want it to be bigger. the one that has the snake i am thinking about buying says it's about 1 - 1,2 meters. (3,3 - 4 feet) she also says it's more then 2 years old. so my question is will it get bigger. shaunyboy says it grows until about 4-5 years. but still does it grow much after say 2½ years? i have heard that Irian Jaya carpets are the smallest kind of carpets. so that is besicly what is holding me back.
it's just she gave me a killer deal, that's why i am still thinking about it. it's a very good price at 500 dkk for the snake AND a dissent cage with heat mat and other stuff. (90 dollars)
size is down to each individual snake,i've seen big jungles and small jungles,
big mongeral carpets and small mongerals,etc
the largest of the Carpets tend to be Coastals and Diamonds
most Carpets i've seen on average seem to be anything from 5 to 8 feet,and roughly the girth of a coke can
imo the only way to guarentee you get a large Carpet,is to go out and buy a large adult mate
cheers shaun