Re: Grass and Moss?
rather than grasses, i'd recommend textured ferns like Selaginella, Nephrolepis & Soleirolia, along with some Carpet moss (Hypnaceae), they are all fairly forgiving, and like low light, lots of humidity and warmth, but still grow fast. (although fast moss growth is pretty slow)
Most plants you buy will have pesticides on, so bugs arnt really much of an issue, but they should be washed gently with detergant (to kill bugs) and rinsed well with clean water to remove pesticides
also recommend investing in some tropical woodlice and springtales to help clean things up - its even more important to stabilize a living vivarium before use, 4-6 weeks should give the lice and sprintails time to establish themselves along with the plants, it can be difficult to stablize a live tropical vivarium, mold espcially can be a major issue without lice and springtales doing what they do, but plants are a great way to give a nice humid enviorment with plenty of fresh oxygen.
I'd also recomend using LED lighting rather than traditional filament or halogen, plants can grow quickly and you dont want your BRB to deciede a 300F+ bulb might be good place to relax and wrap around. you need red and blue lights for reasonable plant health, add green and/or white aswell if you dont like the color, but blue and red are essential for plant growth