Originally Posted by Aaron_S
I'm not beating up on the OP over this but I have kept snakes for roughly 12 years without an escape and I don't see it happening any time soon. It's not something anyone should really run into as it's 100% preventable.
NOT having a go at you mate but.....
i had a young jungle carpet in a large faunarium,it kept getting out and i checked everything
the little plastic spars that run along both sides of the faunarium looked in tact...
lid and doors fitted tight..
after about the 5th escape i felt every spar with my fingers (should have done it after the first escape,but it all looked ok) and found one was cracked right through,but only on the bottom of the spar (you couldn't see it,but could feel the movement when you pressed it)
after dark the fly little jungle was pushing the bottom of the spar outwards to escape
it was bad observation on my part
i agree escapes should be 100% preventable but sometimes out of the normal problems pop up
another escape i had was a jag that decided to learn to slide its door open after 4 years of being with me
sometimes unforseen circumstances pop up to mate
cheers shaun