Alright, if you can't find a big enough rubbermaid at walmart or home depot, then here's your solution!! Go to your local Farm supply store or COOP farm store and look at the watering troffs. You'll notice that they start as small as 40 litre and go to over 4000 liters. The 50 gallon and 100 gallon ones are made of plastic and look exactly like a rubbermaid container only heavier material. I use these all the time to build ponds because they're way cheaper than preformed ponds.
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor