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Old 09-11-04, 11:32 AM   #151
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As I am no expert on dogs, I would very much like to see the studies you refer to. All I can go on is first hand information, and I have the scars to prove it
The American Pit Bull Terrier is clearly a useful member of society, the breed was World War One Hero, its rated as having one of the best overall temperaments in the United States (A.T.T.S.).
This is from the N.R.C.F. website and the A.T.T.S. is the American Temperament Testing Society which does have a website but it won't come up on my browser at the moment but please do check it out for yourself. The NCRF website also has the e-mail's for a few canine behaviourists if you'd like an experts opinion on the breed.
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Old 09-11-04, 01:20 PM   #152
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The other thing that bothers me is that some of the same people who are complaining about pits as being dangerous, keep venemous snakes, or retics, or burms, or african rocks. They to are dangerous animals if you do not know how to take care of them.
Yes, I consider Pitts to be dangerous animals. Just as I consider my venOmous (that spelling error drives me nuts) snakes to be dangerous animals, and the giant snakes. I think a logical and attainable permit system should be in place for ALL dangerous animals. AI have also been attacked by other breds of dogs as well (maybe dogs just don't like me). But the Pitt was the only attack where I feared for my life.

Ryan, thanks for the link.
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Old 09-11-04, 01:39 PM   #153
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Not a problem BW........

Here's an article I found that I'd like to share with everyone considering all the nasty articles that are always in the news. Dog saves owners life.

Yes it's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier in the article but they are very very closely related to the Pit and were bred for the same purposes(Bull Baiting).
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-11-04, 02:55 PM   #154
Scales Zoo
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Actually American Staffordshire's were pitbulls until people started breeding them for conformation in the 1930's and they were added to the AKC, were they not. Staffordshire Bull terriers were added to the UKC around the same time - same thing there. The american ones would have been called Staffordshire Bull terriers also, but the "bull terrier" people didn't want the names so close.

I have a few old general dog books at home, and I know that 2 of them suggest APBT's as one of the 4 good dogs for family homes. I was kinda suprised to read that the first time, but obviously the people who wrote that aren't suckered into the smear campain being fought against APBT's since the 70's.

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Old 09-11-04, 10:34 PM   #155
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You're right Ryan, they are pretty much the same breed but some people just chose to go for a slightly different look. The same as what people did with the English Bulldog, they sure didn't look the way they do today 100 yrs ago. Pitbulls and American Staffordshire Terriers are the same breed and many are registered as both with the different organizations. Staffordshire Bull Terriers have been kept very close to what the original standards were like.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-11-04, 11:17 PM   #156
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I just heard on the news tonight that there were two different incidents of pit bull attacks in the last or two in Ontario. One of those attacks was against a police officer. The officer opened fire on the pit bull after the attack. the other one was a pit bull attacking the owners girlfriend. Both of these incidents were aparently unprovked.
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Old 09-12-04, 02:56 PM   #157
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see it's not that all of them are like that, it's just more heard of than in any other breed. ever watch animal cops? all the vicious dogs are pitbulls, i've yet to see a vicious rottweiler on that show and i watch it nearly every night (well there was one but she was a stary that was protecting her newborn pups). in fact they have a kill policy with rescued pitbulls in detroit. which means any pitbull rescued gets put down. why do you think they came to that conclusion? not because of reputation, they're the ones who are fighting for the animals. or is it because they've worked closely with the breed and know what they are and aren't capable of as far as adapting goes?
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Old 09-21-04, 02:48 PM   #158
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Well i heard on the news that they are NOT banning pitbulls but if seen one without a lesh can be fined. Also i think they are to be only let out in your backyard or something, so not int he yee of the public, it was early in the morining didnt really hear a lot lol

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Old 09-23-04, 10:53 AM   #159
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I just finished throwing up up after hearing about the most recent attack from attack tuesday. Ididnt hear it on the news until this morning but 2 pitbulls ripped apart a small jack russel terrior spilling its insides all over the ground in front of the owner of the jack russel and her SMALL CHILD who the nobel dog willingly gave up his life to defend, men with 2 x4's eventually scared these dogs off before anymore innocent life was lost..............ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING!!!!

Next time i walk my dog it will be with a baseball bat and my 10 inch hunting knife, i really can't debate this it makes me too angry and upset, i am ashamed to know anyone supporting the existence of pitbulls, FILL SOME OF THAT EMPTY SPACE IN YOUR EGOS' UP WITH SOMETHING LESS DANGEROUS PLEASE, try working out, or perhaps ***** enlargement surgury, maybe killing and mutilating small children and dogs yourself will make u feel like more of a man.....
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Old 09-23-04, 10:58 AM   #160
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The latest attack on the jack russel is disgusting...

Where the pits off leash? Why couldnt the owner control them?
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Old 09-23-04, 11:12 AM   #161
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BigBADace, as reluctant as I'am to agree with your line about pits and egos, I have to agree.. I can't defend ownership of them either, although you did get kind of insulting towards the end..

Theres always some nice animals out there, and good owners I dont agree they should be punished for the carelessness of others, but it seems as if this whole situation is going on too long, and is just too dangerous. I think they should propose that any new potential owners must pass a test to purchase a pitt. I also feel that alot should be taken into consideration in this testing including the owners appearance and attitude.
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Old 09-23-04, 11:24 AM   #162
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The line HAS to be drawn somewhere and there should be a point where a growing number of "bad apples" so to speak ruin things for a whole breed, things have gone to far the threat which the dangerous pitties pose outweighs any owners right to keep this breed of dog, friendly or not
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Old 09-23-04, 11:26 AM   #163
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It's a terrible situation for us pitt owners when something like this happens. I never really know what to say, except I want to defend my right to keep my dog, S80 (Sadie) who is a pitt mix.

I don't fill my ego with my dog's bloodlines, and I am not a man, either. These assumptions make you appear ignorant and uneducated. My dog is a rescue. She was abandoned by her owners and starved. She sat outside her home for a week, waiting for her heartless owners to return. She should be mean, but that happy tail just won't quit wagging. She's my best friend, and you can't lump her and I into a catagory that includes careless owners and dangerous dogs.
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Old 09-23-04, 11:46 AM   #164
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There are always be exceptions and not evryone will fit the typical pit bull owner's stereotype...however whether u see it as ignorant or not i do and always will belive that there is a general profile which just too many people owning pit bulls fit, like around me out in the suburbs, its all the 5 foot nuthing, highschool drop out, pants down to their knees,"thugged out," (cough) white guys who use there animals for nuthing more than a pure ego boost

I know evryone is not like these people i speak of but the real fact is that it is just not the abundance of unfit owners, it's the potential for destruction and unpredictability of this breed

This topic makes me far to emotional so i am going to stop posting, i am sorry to those who i may have offended in this thread good bye
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Old 09-23-04, 12:02 PM   #165
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Just to clarify, there was no small child involved. The mother was a 60+ year old and she was with her 30+ year old daughter.. However, that is NO excuse..

Here is the story, with video for those interested..

BigBADace: you bring up some very good points... It seems that all too many 'teens' not all 'drop outs' but teens and early 20's people are getting these dogs for some sort of status.. It's been happening since I was in highschool and is more popular with them now.. It's a shame that RESPONSIBLE owners like 99% of the owners on this board as well as some others on the net will now be discriminated against due to these ignorant owners..

My question is why were these dogs running the street??? It's disgusting how many people let their dogs roam free no matter what breed.. It seems that more and more im seeing Dogs walking the street at all times of the day/night with no owner anywhere to be seen.. Why do people get dogs if they don't intend to treat them like the pets they were aquired as???

Im AGAINST the banning of Pit Bulls and not just because I own one, but because it's not all the dogs fault, much of the blame has to be placed in the lap of the owner... If everyone would be responsible with their dogs and stiffer fines were handed out to backyard breeders and people who let their dogs (any breed) walk up and down ANY street without a leash, this type of stuff wouldn't be happening as often as it is...

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