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Old 10-03-15, 09:47 AM   #1
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Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

I purchased a 2 yr old BST 2 months ago at a local reptile show. They said she was nice and docile and ate regularly. She was in shed, but aside from that looked very healthy. Since Ive has her she will not eat. Ive tried f/t, live, pre-killed, rats, and mice to no avail. I went back to the show a month later, it comes once a month, and ask what she ate. The young lady said that she was eating african soft fur. Of course no one locally has any and the nearest in 200 miles away. Shouldnt a bst basically eat anything? It has been 2 months since Ive had her and they said she ate maybe 2 weeks before that. She in on cypress, has a litter box filled with water, temp is 87 on hot, 80 on cool. Humidity is kept usually at 70%. She is on a timer for lights, and thermostat, and has a hide/sweat box that I keep with sphangum moss. Her enclosure is 2 1/2 ft by 1 1/2 ft. there are no limbs as she is too big too climb. I try to mimic swampy conditions. I covered the fronts and sides lastnight and the weird thing is she was really in a foul mood this morning. Maybe she couldnt see me coming and I startled her, but she seemed on edge. Usually shes very docile. Almost dogish. I know with BSTs that can change in a heartbeat. I have 7 other different variety snakes and all but her and a rosy boa are eating fine. Should I be worried? It is starting fall here and outside has been really cold and rainy. Could that effect her? There is a window in the sun room where they can see the outside? Im grasping at straws I know. Shes a big girl but how long is too long for a BST. She also has not defecated, but Ive read that BSTs rarely do. She soaks, she burrows, she goes in her hide, when she yawns her mouth is nice and pink. I just dont know. Any help would be appreciated.
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Last edited by Kneff1175; 10-03-15 at 09:55 AM..
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Old 10-03-15, 11:45 PM   #2
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Dude, you have serious issues with your snake keeping.

It's clear you keep handling your animals when you don't have their husbandry down. Stop that. Until you do, I doubt you'll solve your problems and I refuse to give more advice until it does.

Please stop.
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Old 10-04-15, 06:59 AM   #3
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

dude I don't know who or what you are, but I highly doubt I need your advice. I'm pretty sure that my cages, rooms, and snakes have more time, money, and care that you could possibly know. But hey that's why they are called opinions huh. And by the way this snake never gets handled. Not until she eats. The picture of her on the ground is about 2 months old. This is the problem with these sites, everyone is a professional. People like yourself are the reason why there is so much confusion. Instead of helping, you assume your better and go from there. Please do not reply to any threads that have my name on them. And exactly what issues with husbandry are you referring. The heat, thermostats, cypress mulch, sphagnum moss, water bowls, humidity? Out of the 15 reptiles I have, 2 will not eat. Pretty good considering one was a show purchase, and one was bought as a hatchling online. I just want to know if someone else has this problem with BSTs. Maybe I was not clear in my post. She does NOT get handled until she eats. I keep her in her hide and move the entire hide out when I clean. So maybe a total of 30 seconds she has contact with a human.

Last edited by Aaron_S; 10-04-15 at 12:46 PM.. Reason: Reported by another member for insults
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Old 10-04-15, 07:21 AM   #4
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Sorry for the rudeness but this guy just really worked a raw nerve. I know that is the only reason some people even reply. I usually do'nt let kids like this get to me, but this dude.....
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Old 10-04-15, 12:52 PM   #5
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Originally Posted by Kneff1175 View Post
dude I don't know who or what you are, but I highly doubt I need your advice. I'm pretty sure that my cages, rooms, and snakes have more time, money, and care that you could possibly know. But hey that's why they are called opinions huh. And by the way this snake never gets handled. Not until she eats. The picture of her on the ground is about 2 months old. This is the problem with these sites, everyone is a professional. People like yourself are the reason why there is so much confusion. Instead of helping, you assume your better and go from there. Please do not reply to any threads that have my name on them. And exactly what issues with husbandry are you referring. The heat, thermostats, cypress mulch, sphagnum moss, water bowls, humidity? Out of the 15 reptiles I have, 2 will not eat. Pretty good considering one was a show purchase, and one was bought as a hatchling online. I just want to know if someone else has this problem with BSTs. Maybe I was not clear in my post. She does NOT get handled until she eats. I keep her in her hide and move the entire hide out when I clean. So maybe a total of 30 seconds she has contact with a human.
I edited out all the parts that were in clear violation of the forum rules.

What confusion? I've given you advice in your other thread and you refused to take it.

These snakes are monster eaters. Trust me, I've owned a number of them. There's something off and it starts with your handling. You say she's not handled but then in your first post you talk about how docile she usually is. On top of that you've shown you handle your non-eating rosy boa so it's safe to assume you would do the same with this snake.

You can blame the source of where you got the animals but I doubt the animals are at fault here.

Aside from that, 99% of all feeding problems exist in the husbandry of the keeper. Having two animals in your home that aren't eating leads me to believe you fit in the 99%. Until you can admit to the fact you have done something wrong you won't solve these issues. I've been around a long time so I've seen this type of issue before.

To be somewhat fair, it could simply be your temp guns or humidity gauges are broken and aren't reading the right temps/humidity.
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Old 10-04-15, 08:05 PM   #6
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Constant human handling, lack of cover (snakes need security) and the open mesh top all are likely playing a role here...
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Old 10-04-15, 11:01 PM   #7
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

why is there no hiding box? how are humidity levels? hy is the top not covered?
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Old 10-05-15, 04:22 AM   #8
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Maybe I misread but the op does have a hide box in the enclosure. I found that I have more success with keeping non-eating snakes in tubs when they're young. Can you post a picture of the full enclosure? The snake might feel too exposed. Add more cover and hides.
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Old 10-05-15, 09:32 AM   #9
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

It is starting fall here and outside has been really cold and rainy. Could that effect her?
Yes. Some snakes go off feed when fall/winter approaches. I have a rosy boa that becomes a difficult feeder during this time of year. She snaps out of it in February. Right now she is spitting her food out of her mouth! The local reptile store here last year got a lot of complaints of snakes going off feed last November. Advice from my vet and the reptile store was as long as they are at a good weight and maintain weight don't worry until you hit the six month mark for an adult. Keep offering and try different foods. Maybe see about ordering f/t African soft furs online?
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Old 10-05-15, 11:49 AM   #10
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Do you know what time of day they use to feed? I had one Borneo that would only eat live and never before it was dark outside. Pickiest damn eater i ever had.
Now to your set up Bloods and short tails do best in totes or tubs. But working with what you have it in. You need to cover at least 2/3 of the top of your cage to help hold your humidity in. Your low side should be closer to 73. Unlike Reds Bloods i found Short tail prefer it a little cooler. Also you need to ditch the light. The light coming into the room is plenty. Having a light on will stress them out. They prefer it darker makes them feel safer. Bloods and Short tails stress easy so more than likely it's just stress. How do you check temps? If you don't have one you really need to get a temp gun.
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Old 10-06-15, 08:20 AM   #11
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

ok yall so I hav her in a tub. Ill put up pics and will yall say if she needs anything else. For the record. I hardly handle her. Just to move her to clean. Ive actually been doing that part well. Everywhere was closed lastnight so I still have her on cypress. The humidity does stay up better. But what about heat. My snake room stays at 81. Her temp this morning was 79.6. What do I do for extra heat? Does she even need it or is 79 good. It will probably raise to 81-83. I cant use a pad with this species. Any more advice?
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Old 10-06-15, 08:27 AM   #12
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Thanks for all your help. And I mean that ya'll. So many people rip others for making a mistake, or not knowing about a species. Its a shame too. That's why there is so much confusion and in-fighting on these forums. I wish everyone would stop trying to compete for "most knowledgeable, and just help to advance this hobby before its completely outlawed in the states.

Last edited by Kneff1175; 10-06-15 at 08:33 AM..
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Old 10-06-15, 08:30 AM   #13
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Originally Posted by PsychoSnake View Post
Yes. Some snakes go off feed when fall/winter approaches. I have a rosy boa that becomes a difficult feeder during this time of year. She snaps out of it in February. Right now she is spitting her food out of her mouth! The local reptile store here last year got a lot of complaints of snakes going off feed last November. Advice from my vet and the reptile store was as long as they are at a good weight and maintain weight don't worry until you hit the six month mark for an adult. Keep offering and try different foods. Maybe see about ordering f/t African soft furs online?
I have a rosy that wont eat also. She never has. Shes a hatchling that I got in April from back water. Ive tried it all with her as well. These two are the only ones that I have this problem with. She in in a ten gallon, two hides. Low humidity. Hot side 90 cool side 80-83. She moves sooooo slow. Ive had to force feed her 3 times. Im serious with her Ive tried everything. I used to handle her but havent touch her in 3 weeks. Well thats not accurate. I have only touched her to force feed her. She doesnt regurgitate them. Although I know FFing has got to be very terrifying for her. I would be scared too if someone shoved a steak in my mouth.
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Old 10-06-15, 08:36 AM   #14
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

One more thing about my BST. What about a water dish that she can get into. I have a large tuperware thing in there now, but I do not think she can get in a soak. I tried a larger one but there was no room. This is the largest tub I had thats not green or black. Can it be a colored tub, or somewhat see through. And the bungee on top in the pic is so she can't open it. Which I doubt is a very good deterrent.
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Old 10-06-15, 06:11 PM   #15
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Re: Borneo Short-tailed python will not eat

Originally Posted by Kneff1175 View Post
ok yall so I hav her in a tub. Ill put up pics and will yall say if she needs anything else. For the record. I hardly handle her. Just to move her to clean. Ive actually been doing that part well. Everywhere was closed lastnight so I still have her on cypress. The humidity does stay up better. But what about heat. My snake room stays at 81. Her temp this morning was 79.6. What do I do for extra heat? Does she even need it or is 79 good. It will probably raise to 81-83. I cant use a pad with this species. Any more advice?
Actually that what i use for all of my tubs and totes. UTH (under tank heaters) work just great. Just be sure to use a thermostat to control the temperature.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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