Hey Everyone,
I haven't given her a introduction post yet. But I'll create one soon.
We purchased her at the Cin city reptile show on June 15th. I looked her over inside before we decided to purchase her and I thought she looked good. They said she was eating f/t and live, and think that shes about 1.5 years old.
Well after we got her outside in the sun, we noticed she had a few mites. Didn't know if she just got them at the show or not. So we went back in the inform them that she had mites, that they should check the rest of their snakes, and they acted as if we didn't know what we were talking about. Skeptical even that she had mites. She wasn't infested but I found some on her and they came off on my hands. After all that, they said they would wipe her down for us like that's all she needed. But since they couldn't find their mite spray, they told me to leave her in the deli cup overnight with olive oil and that would get rid of all the mites. Now I was skeptical. Anyway, I had PAM and reptile relief at home to treat with.
We brought her home and set her up with a infrared heat lamp in a 20 gallon long tank. With 2 hides on each side with paper towels. I treated the cage with PAM and wiped her down with reptile relief. Shes quarantined downstairs and away from my collection of boas. After a few days, it was feeding day for my boas so I went ahead and offered her a f/t fuzzy rat. She hissed from inside her hide at it, so I left it outside her hide and let her be. Then when I came back downstairs she was eating it! "Awesome!" I thought, shes got an appetite after just a few days!
Now shes setup with a bit more cover, but still on paper towels so I can check for mites. I've taken her to my vet for her "initial checkup", something I practice with any new addition. She looks to be good. I gave him a fecal but it wasn't big enough so I'm waiting for her to drop a bigger load. But she hasn't eaten for me now since. I've offered 3 times spaced out since she last ate, and she seems like shes excited that there's food in her tank, but she sniffs it and moves on. If I try to wiggle it, she seems scared of the my movement and won't come near it. Yes, I'm using tongs. I'm not all that worried about her yet because I know shes still settling in.
What I did just notice though, and prompted this post specifically, is these marks on the top of her head. They showed up sometime between last week and now, I just saw them when changing out her paper towels. She hasn't shed since I brought her home. I'm wondering if these are loose spots because she's about shed? I've tried lightly rubbing them with my finger, and they don't rub off or anything.

They look weird. Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.