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Old 01-17-15, 02:53 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug-2013
Posts: 725
Tub Gap Sizes and Sagging Concerns

I've built my first rack out of 1/2" redwood plywood, treated with two coats procrylic. I used a dremel to make a place for the probes at the back. I used framing studs for the side supports and 1x3's for the interior wooden pieces since they were some of the straightest boards in the store. Everything went together easy enough, although a 4' tall wooden rack is pretty hard to flip over by yourself!

I have two concerns, some people say plywood sags but others seem to indicate it only sags if you don't have all the slots filled with tubs. Anyone have first hand experience over time? My second concern is that my gaps are way too large, I can almost fit my pinkie between the gap and the top in a couple of places. I want to put caulkers cays in them but they are only around 3' and not very thick. It seems like only a huge snake couldn't escape? My biggest fear about switching over to racks has been escapees.
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Old 01-17-15, 03:01 AM   #2
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Re: Tub Gap Sizes and Sagging Concerns

I own a pair of cay caulkers as well, both of which are around 3 feet and I couldn't imagine them fitting through gaps the size of those.
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Old 01-17-15, 04:02 AM   #3
Join Date: Aug-2013
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Re: Tub Gap Sizes and Sagging Concerns

I may just be paranoid then, lol. I really didn't want to take the whole thing apart again so good to hear things may be OK afterall.
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Old 01-17-15, 09:24 AM   #4
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Re: Tub Gap Sizes and Sagging Concerns

if the gap were too big which it dosent appear to be you could always put shims under the bins to keep them snug to the top.
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Old 01-17-15, 09:36 AM   #5
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Re: Tub Gap Sizes and Sagging Concerns

You shouldn't have to worry about any sag with the way you making it. I don't blame you for being paranoid i seen snake squeeze through some super small gaps that you would think were just totally impossible. Better to be safe than sorry. But you'll be fine with the lids on them like you have them in the picture.
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