Hi there,
I'm brand new here, so "hi" to everybody! 3 weeks ago i got my first snake, she's a 4 month old baby corn girl Amelanistic.
Last week (Thursday) was my 1st time feeding her. I fed her in the tank, had no problem, played a little bit with the mouse (thawed) in front of her, poked her a little bit with the mouse, gentling, she launched a few strikes at it, I layed it down and she started feeding, no problem at all!
Yesterday (7 days after the last feed), i did the same thing and she didn't response at all, gave one strike but didn't seemed interested on the meal, I left the mouse on her tank over night, today i woke up and surprise surprise it was still were i left it. Later today, at night, i'm going to try feed her again, do you guys have some tips on what should i do this time, or if i'm doing something wrong? Her tank is always at the same temperature 25-26ºC some times at night the temp drops to 24,5ºC but a couple hours after it stabilizes, i spray the tank with water about 2 times a week. Thank you!!