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Old 01-21-14, 09:44 PM   #1
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Heat lamps or heat pads

This may be an odd question, but is there a general rule for heat pads or heat lamps for certain species, or is it just a matter of preference? Example like corns and milks usually have heat pads, or heavy bodied snakes having lamps, etc
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Old 01-21-14, 09:51 PM   #2
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

I prefer to use a low wattage heat bulb for most species. Helps with ambient temps and allows me to provide different basking temps for my snakes to choose from. Down side is that they dry out the air. Using low wattage bulbs wont dry out the air as much. Radiant heat panels seem popular too.
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Old 01-21-14, 10:16 PM   #3
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

I'm just always confused as to which snakes need heat mats over heat lamps. I use heat lamp for my carpet python, heat pads for my royal python, milksnake, ratsnake..
3.0.0 dogs - 6.3.0 cats - 2.5.8 tarantulas - 0.1.0 skink - 1.0.0 beardie - 1.1.7 snakes - 0.0.3 scorpions - 0.1.0 leopard geckos - 0.0.1 crested - 1.1.0 golden geckos - 2.0.0 uros - 3.2.0 turtles - 0.1.0 toad - 0.0.3 black moors
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Old 01-21-14, 10:23 PM   #4
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

Either one can work for any species depending on how you use it. Some prefer to use one more then the other
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Old 01-21-14, 10:35 PM   #5
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

You also have to consider what is the most efficient and economical for the snake's needs. A lot of temperate colubrids will spend most of the time on the cool side, so a vast and precise heating system might be over doing it in some cases.
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Old 01-22-14, 12:00 AM   #6
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

Yeah definitely. I noticed my CP loves basking on his stick in front of his light so he has a lamp. My colubrids love either chilling on the warm or hot side so they have heat pads.
3.0.0 dogs - 6.3.0 cats - 2.5.8 tarantulas - 0.1.0 skink - 1.0.0 beardie - 1.1.7 snakes - 0.0.3 scorpions - 0.1.0 leopard geckos - 0.0.1 crested - 1.1.0 golden geckos - 2.0.0 uros - 3.2.0 turtles - 0.1.0 toad - 0.0.3 black moors
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Old 01-22-14, 05:00 AM   #7
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

Heat lamps need to be removed from snake husbandry for most species. It dries out an enclosure and the bulbs need frequent replacement. Radiant heat panels are the best heat source for snakes that like to perch.
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Old 01-22-14, 05:01 AM   #8
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

To answer your question it depends on the snakes needs. If a snake like to hide and bask at the same time, it depends on how the heat pad heats the enclosure. Does it only create a hotspot? Or does it also heat the rest of the enclosure? If it's not enough to create a good thermal gradiant you will need to supplement that with an overhead heat source.

Last edited by Mikoh4792; 01-22-14 at 05:07 AM..
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Old 01-22-14, 05:50 AM   #9
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

Carpet pythons and most colubrids have about the same humidity requirements. You can "get away" with a heat lamp as a temporary measure but long term I would not use one. Even for arboreal snakes that need an overhead heat source there are better options. The lights are cheap and do you use a thermostat with a bulb? Probably not in most cases. Imho a light should be just for light. Heat with a RHP ( my favorite) or CHE (lightless bulb) for overhead heat and a heat pad or heatvtape for ground snakes. No matter what use a thermostat.

Edit: I forgot to add but if you look at all of the posts about poor sheds many of the posters used heat bulbs for heat.
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Old 01-22-14, 08:44 AM   #10
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

I just ordered 3 40 watt rbi rhp's to . I was using che's to heat ambient air and heat tape for belly heat. I had 2 of those che's fail that were rated at 20000 hours. My mistake though, chain pet store store brand che's aren't worth a darn! Another lesson learned.

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
Carpet pythons and most colubrids have about the same humidity requirements. You can "get away" with a heat lamp as a temporary measure but long term I would not use one. Even for arboreal snakes that need an overhead heat source there are better options. The lights are cheap and do you use a thermostat with a bulb? Probably not in most cases. Imho a light should be just for light. Heat with a RHP ( my favorite) or CHE (lightless bulb) for overhead heat and a heat pad or heatvtape for ground snakes. No matter what use a thermostat.

Edit: I forgot to add but if you look at all of the posts about poor sheds many of the posters used heat bulbs for heat.
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Old 01-22-14, 12:38 PM   #11
LiL Zap
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

I use a heat lamp for both snakes (my corn and brother's hognose) and it works fine. Heat pads kinda scare me because I've heard too much stories about the wiring going bad and burning the snake. It's just preference.
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Old 01-22-14, 12:43 PM   #12
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

Originally Posted by LiL Zap View Post
I use a heat lamp for both snakes (my corn and brother's hognose) and it works fine. Heat pads kinda scare me because I've heard too much stories about the wiring going bad and burning the snake. It's just preference.
You won't have that problem with ultratherm heat mats. They work similar to heat tape in that they don't have the wiring you see in zoo med heat pads and such. But they also don't get as hot as heat tape. Either way an ultra-therm hooked up to a decent T-stat should do the job well.
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Old 01-22-14, 12:44 PM   #13
EL Ziggy
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

I use uth's for all my snakes but will turn on a heat lamp sometimes too when its really cold to create a basking spot or to assist with viewing the snakes at night
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Old 01-22-14, 01:07 PM   #14
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

While Im not as sure with snakes, as I have not researched them as much as lizards, I am moving towards going back to lighting with my snakes. (I used all radiant heat panels and UTHs before) The more I read about the light requirements of reptiles, the more it seems necessary to provide them with a source of UVA and UVB for optimal health. For instance, both UVA and UVB affect the immune system and hormone production, so it is of benefit to them. Reptiles, including many snakes, can see UVA1 also, so leaving this out of their enclosures means they are seeing the world much differently than they normally would. Fortunately, UVA penetrates glass, so if you have sunlight coming into the room your snakes are in, there should be at least a small amount getting in.

As said above though, they do make it more difficult to regulate the necessary humidity. Its not super difficult, but it is a consideration that needs addressing if using lights.
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Old 01-22-14, 01:27 PM   #15
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Heat lamps or heat pads

If you feel they need UV then add a UV tube light fixture lile for a beardie. Just keep light and heat seperate.
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