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Old 12-14-13, 06:52 PM   #1
LiL Zap
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Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Title says it all. Why do you all choose to share your life with these amazing animals? How did you first fall in love with them?

I first fell in love with snakes when I was 7 years old. A family friend came over the house with an albino boa constrictor and I just thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm turning 21 in a few weeks and the love I have for these animals still hasn't died.

What is your story?
0.1 Normal Corn Snake (Pantherophis Guttatus) - Checkers
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Old 12-14-13, 06:56 PM   #2
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Started catching and keeping wild snakes as a kid 9-10 yrs old. In high school I gave it up for chicks and booze later when my kids were young and expressed interest I was really taken by how far husbandry practices had come. So using them as an excuse I got back into it. Truth is we all are into it except my wife. She has had a bit of a change of heart but that's ok. It happens.
0.1 BCI 1.1.2 Jungle Carpet Pythons 1.0 Jungle Jag 1.0 Goins King Snake 0.1 Leopard Gecko 0.1 Albino Gopher Snake 1.0 Pastel Ball Python
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Old 12-14-13, 06:58 PM   #3
LiL Zap
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
Started catching and keeping wild snakes as a kid 9-10 yrs old. In high school I gave it up for chicks and booze later when my kids were young and expressed interest I was really taken by how far husbandry practices had come. So using them as an excuse I got back into it. Truth is we all are into it except my wife. She has had a bit of a change of heart but that's ok. It happens.
Haha nice man. My fiance hates snakes but she has no choice but to deal with it. The snake and I are a package deal lol.
0.1 Normal Corn Snake (Pantherophis Guttatus) - Checkers
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Old 12-14-13, 07:04 PM   #4
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

I used to catch snakes as a kid all the time...always wanted to keep one (sometimes my dad would help me hide 1 or 2 in the garage for a few days here and there..hehe), but my mother was petrified of daughter begged for years to get a pet snake, but my ex wouldn't allow it either, so we gave up on the idea...the subject never came up with my current husband until 1 day (right before my birthday) we were at petco and I fell in love with a baby corn snake and said how I wished I could take it we did now we have expanded on that collection and are up to 6 snakes...stopping there for now until we build some custom stacking vivs so we can make more room if we decide to get more love them all! (better than my dogs and cats, but don't tell them...shhhh )
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Old 12-14-13, 07:26 PM   #5
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

I started when I was in the 4th grade. We had a guy come through will all of these exotic animals, had corns, a ball python, a beardie and a chinchilla. Stuff like that! But the corn caught my eye! I tried and tried but my mom wouldn't let me get one. But, 15 years later my dog passed away from cancer, and I eventually couldn't stand not having a pet sooo I didn't think of them much from then till now, but one day my girlfriend wanted to go to the pet shop and that passion was re ignited and boom! Two snakes later and wanting more was created!
0.1 Albino Tangerine Hondo (Layla)
1.0 BRB (Voodoo)
0.0.1 Jungle Carpet
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Old 12-14-13, 07:50 PM   #6
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

I was born with it. My parents were both het, and I hit the odds. Homozygous for herper.
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Old 12-14-13, 08:03 PM   #7
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
I was born with it. My parents were both het, and I hit the odds. Homozygous for herper.
This, But my mom was only 66% (Proven now, Obviously)
1.0 Ball Python 1.0 BCI
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Old 12-14-13, 08:17 PM   #8
Awaiting Abyss
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

I always thought snakes were beautiful. I've always liked them, but I never imagined I would own one since I am quite fond of rodents. When I got my first mice, I thought I would never be able to have a snake because I wouldn't be able to feed them mice or rats. Then I started wanting to breed mice, but I needed something to do if I couldn't find homes for the mouse babies. I couldn't keep all of the unwanted babies or I'd have mice running out of my ears.. Then I saw someone post lots of pictures of their western hognose snake on the rat forum, and I fell in love with them. That's when I first started thinking that it might be nice to have a snake for a pet. I did a lot of research for a long time. My husband didn't want me to get one for a while because he doesn't like snakes, but like all of my other animals... once I start researching them, I start sharing what I learn with my husband. Then he realizes he doesn't have much of a say in the matter and we ended up getting a western hognose. Now after having a snake and feeding him mice (and now I feed my cats mice too), I realize that I'm happy knowing that my mice live wonderful lives with me (Only a select few become feeders.. Since I have other breeding goals) and then my snake and my cats eat healthy diets of mice that have been put to sleep painlessly.

Pretty soon I'll be getting my second snake... Whenever the perfect carpet python comes along.
1 Western Hognose snake, 25 pet fancy mice (not including pups), 5 gerbils (not including pups), 4 degus, 2 pet rats, 2 Syrian hamsters, 5 cats, and 2 dogs
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Old 12-14-13, 09:04 PM   #9
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Used to catch wild garters as a kid. Then, as an adult, have had a few friends with snakes. Got hooked on the idea of keeping them and the rest is history. I keep them because I find them fascinating and how non-mammalian they are. One of my favorite parts is feeding... it's interesting to feed whole food items versus crap out of a bag like with mor domesric animals. Now I like the variety of species aspect.

- 1.0 Spider BP (Jax) - 0.1 SSTP (Nik)- 1.0 Salmon BCI (Malcolm)
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Old 12-14-13, 10:33 PM   #10
Village Idiot
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
I was born with it. My parents were both het, and I hit the odds. Homozygous for herper.
You are way to young. Run.
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who's too stupid to care.
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Old 12-14-13, 10:48 PM   #11
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Originally Posted by Awaiting Abyss View Post
I always thought snakes were beautiful. I've always liked them, but I never imagined I would own one since I am quite fond of rodents. When I got my first mice, I thought I would never be able to have a snake because I wouldn't be able to feed them mice or rats. Then I started wanting to breed mice, but I needed something to do if I couldn't find homes for the mouse babies. I couldn't keep all of the unwanted babies or I'd have mice running out of my ears.. Then I saw someone post lots of pictures of their western hognose snake on the rat forum, and I fell in love with them. That's when I first started thinking that it might be nice to have a snake for a pet. I did a lot of research for a long time. My husband didn't want me to get one for a while because he doesn't like snakes, but like all of my other animals... once I start researching them, I start sharing what I learn with my husband. Then he realizes he doesn't have much of a say in the matter and we ended up getting a western hognose. Now after having a snake and feeding him mice (and now I feed my cats mice too), I realize that I'm happy knowing that my mice live wonderful lives with me (Only a select few become feeders.. Since I have other breeding goals) and then my snake and my cats eat healthy diets of mice that have been put to sleep painlessly.

Pretty soon I'll be getting my second snake... Whenever the perfect carpet python comes along.
Do cats eat the whole mouse? Or do they leave things like hair/bones/guts behind?
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Old 12-14-13, 10:58 PM   #12
Awaiting Abyss
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Originally Posted by Mikoh4792 View Post
Do cats eat the whole mouse? Or do they leave things like hair/bones/guts behind?
They eat everything. Nothing is left behind.
1 Western Hognose snake, 25 pet fancy mice (not including pups), 5 gerbils (not including pups), 4 degus, 2 pet rats, 2 Syrian hamsters, 5 cats, and 2 dogs
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Old 12-14-13, 10:58 PM   #13
red ink
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

I keep them because legs are so over rated...
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Old 12-15-13, 04:49 AM   #14
Non Carborundum Illegitimi
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

Always loved snakes but never would of consideed owning one, then during my post accident recovery met a guy from this forum that offered to let me meet his snakes, i asked wife if we could get one expecting her to say no but she said yes and here i am!
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Old 12-15-13, 08:43 AM   #15
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Re: Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Life?

When my son was a kid, I bought a Red-tail Boa from my brother and had my son work it off, so that was his snake, even though I still paid for his feeders. FF to 4 years ago when my then roommate went with us to the first reptile show I ever experienced and at this show, I saw a lot of different species of snakes and I was struck. He brought home a females Dumeril's Boa and we brought home a male. I still have Kermit and Miss Piggy to this day btw. I found these snakes to be soothing to have out and fascinating to watch. The next month, we brought home a "breeding trio" of Dums (Popeye, Lulu and Black Betty) and the collection free from there. I still find them fascinating and I so enjoy having them on me, even though the numbers are closer to 36 now.
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