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Old 08-14-12, 05:59 PM   #61
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

It's a dangerous thing having an empty enclosure!
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Old 08-14-12, 07:00 PM   #62
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

Originally Posted by jarich View Post
It's a dangerous thing having an empty enclosure!
Yes it is.. I think it was like 2 1/2 months I was fiddling around with my Exanthematicus enclosure while nothing was in there but dirt and bugs.

Sort of like rocking an empty cradle.
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Old 08-16-12, 11:23 AM   #63
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

I cant have empty vivs full stop if I make one up I fill it so I don't make any up

on another note some more pics and a video of them mating on the ramp very clear video this time.

them doing the deed AGAIN he gets more nokey than me

nashers enclosure piccy with them mating

look at them CLAWS skin rippers
1.1.0 varanus salvadorii
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Old 08-16-12, 11:39 AM   #64
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

He's a real playa
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Old 08-16-12, 11:52 AM   #65
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

Nice work with the salvadori pair Phil mate

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Old 08-16-12, 09:11 PM   #66
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

good job, I hope you have lots of nesting options ready to go.
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Old 08-17-12, 10:33 PM   #67
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

I love all of this monitor copulation!!! It's amazing!!! I just saw my first salvadorii in person at the Denver Zoo! They are a sight to behold! Thanks so much for all of the photos!

How are their dispositions? Are they a species with whom you must be extra careful as anything can spark a feeding response? (I've heard some monitor species are worse than others?) What's it like to interact with them? Do you have to wear gloves else the claws will cut you?

I don't know if these questions really have answers but I have an exanthematicus and I don't imagine that my interactions with her would parallel those with salvadorii lol

Also how do they stay so clean?! I can't see any of my sav's patterning or coloration. She's sort of brown and covered in dirt lol
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Old 08-18-12, 12:49 PM   #68
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

Originally Posted by AjaMichelle View Post
I love all of this monitor copulation!!! It's amazing!!! I just saw my first salvadorii in person at the Denver Zoo! They are a sight to behold! Thanks so much for all of the photos!

How are their dispositions? Are they a species with whom you must be extra careful as anything can spark a feeding response? (I've heard some monitor species are worse than others?) What's it like to interact with them? Do you have to wear gloves else the claws will cut you?

I don't know if these questions really have answers but I have an exanthematicus and I don't imagine that my interactions with her would parallel those with salvadorii lol

Also how do they stay so clean?! I can't see any of my sav's patterning or coloration. She's sort of brown and covered in dirt lol

they are not diggers by nature (arboreal) so staying clean is easy plus I spray them daily, like a shower LOL which must help. They don't have a feeding responce really the female (nasher) will take from tongs but very gently (see on my utube), and the male (dasher) tends to wait until im not around even if I put it right in front of his face. I don't handle them, but claws are sharp not sure gloves would help much and teeth even worse. There are a few "tame" ones around but the damage that can be inflicked by these is HUGE and always serious even compared to other monitors due to the way the teeth are (t-rex like), so I personaly wouldn't keep this type of monitor if handling it was important. My two are very differant my male hates humans but rather than attack them he just walks of angryly to his fav hide. The female is (before this mating stuff) very relaxed rarely gets upset with me I can enter setup so on with no problems but she has had the off day were something upsets her and charged me LOL.
1.1.0 varanus salvadorii
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Old 08-23-12, 12:28 PM   #69
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Re: The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors

I thought as I posted and others have posted pics of other croc monitors here are 2 more at a zoo in the UK, both not in great shape (i think) both must be at least 7ft maybe close to 8ft.

croc 1

Croc 2

1.1.0 varanus salvadorii
1.0.0 varanus niloticus and few other animals
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