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Old 04-23-12, 08:56 PM   #91
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Greg, very well said-more diplomatic too LOL
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Old 04-23-12, 10:26 PM   #92
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

My sav has a better environment then 85% of savs In captivity. People say oh a 8x4 is plenty you don't need that.

You don't live in Ontario, it is so hard to get food items here. Its so tough to actually find food items. So far I have crickets, night crawlers, dubia in september when my colony grows a bit more...

I am looking for shrimp, cannot find any, I will get snails very soon when it wants up. Rodents are now apart of the diet, a feeding every Sunday of rodents.

Just people don't know how hard I'm actually trying. I bought Cassie because I was told she was very easy. I didn't do research yes I know but 90% of reptile. It's are impulse.

So what? Now I'm stuck with a sav, money is tight and Cass is in a fish tank I paid 180$ for and it's no good? The next week I took Wayne's and Hedy's advice a couple other people to, but I built her a 5x2 which she is in now.

The 8x4x4 is ready this week hopefully and you can bet your life that I am putting 500 dollars of stuff into this cage on the Inside when it's here.

So look everyone, I know I'm not thE best keeper or even a little advanced but I like everyone else is learning off my mistakes. Of course there not to serious mistakes and I always ask for help when I come here everyday. I always havE questions and. And threads here.

Sure I get caugh up in different opinions from everyone but I only want what's best for that poor little lizard that got kidnapped from her home in Africa.

I do not regret getting Cassie. She has actually changed my life gave me way more responsibility already, it feels great interacting with her.

I'm 19 years old with a love for these magnificent creatures. I will continue to do what's best for her by providing perfect conditions. Nobody knows how to care for a sav without having one for at least a year. I've had my sav for like 4 months and I'm learning!

Please continue to help. Any suggestions would be great on we're toget food. I'm going to put a minnow trap in the water because I can get lots of them. Thanks everyone. We are very thankfull for your help.
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Old 04-24-12, 12:59 AM   #93
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by Bradyloach View Post
My sav has a better environment then 85% of savs In captivity. People say oh a 8x4 is plenty you don't need that.

You don't live in Ontario, it is so hard to get food items here. Its so tough to actually find food items. So far I have crickets, night crawlers, dubia in september when my colony grows a bit more...

I am looking for shrimp, cannot find any, I will get snails very soon when it wants up. Rodents are now apart of the diet, a feeding every Sunday of rodents.

Just people don't know how hard I'm actually trying. I bought Cassie because I was told she was very easy. I didn't do research yes I know but 90% of reptile. It's are impulse.

So what? Now I'm stuck with a sav, money is tight and Cass is in a fish tank I paid 180$ for and it's no good? The next week I took Wayne's and Hedy's advice a couple other people to, but I built her a 5x2 which she is in now.

The 8x4x4 is ready this week hopefully and you can bet your life that I am putting 500 dollars of stuff into this cage on the Inside when it's here.

So look everyone, I know I'm not thE best keeper or even a little advanced but I like everyone else is learning off my mistakes. Of course there not to serious mistakes and I always ask for help when I come here everyday. I always havE questions and. And threads here.

Sure I get caugh up in different opinions from everyone but I only want what's best for that poor little lizard that got kidnapped from her home in Africa.

I do not regret getting Cassie. She has actually changed my life gave me way more responsibility already, it feels great interacting with her.

I'm 19 years old with a love for these magnificent creatures. I will continue to do what's best for her by providing perfect conditions. Nobody knows how to care for a sav without having one for at least a year. I've had my sav for like 4 months and I'm learning!

Please continue to help. Any suggestions would be great on we're toget food. I'm going to put a minnow trap in the water because I can get lots of them. Thanks everyone. We are very thankfull for your help.
Very well stated and your efforts to care for Cassie do not go unrecognized. Dont let any of the criticism discourage you from doing what you are passionate about. Remember, Cassie is YOURS, not anyone elses and as such you have the final say.
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Old 04-24-12, 01:34 AM   #94
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
Slugs really like beer.
well that explains my affinity for it...
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Old 04-24-12, 04:12 AM   #95
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by Bradyloach View Post
I'm 19 years old with a love for these magnificent creatures. I will continue to do what's best for her by providing perfect conditions. Nobody knows how to care for a sav without having one for at least a year. I've had my sav for like 4 months and I'm learning!

Please continue to help. Any suggestions would be great on we're toget food. I'm going to put a minnow trap in the water because I can get lots of them. Thanks everyone. We are very thankfull for your help.
Brady, you are doing better than 95% of any new young Monitor keepers.

Cassie is in great hands...
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Old 04-24-12, 05:51 AM   #96
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

How large of a city is sudbury? I was under the impression it is a fairly large city. Why don't you set a little of that $500 aside and invest in some more dubia roaches?
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
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Old 04-24-12, 06:10 AM   #97
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Brady, you worry to much-relax.I personally don't know where people think you are taking short cuts.I've been where you are-you just need to realize you don't know what normal is,and if you follow the basics,your monitor will act normal.You have good variety now,just make sure you feed enough.
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Old 04-24-12, 06:22 AM   #98
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
How large of a city is sudbury? I was under the impression it is a fairly large city. Why don't you set a little of that $500 aside and invest in some more dubia roaches?
Firstly, he already eplained that dubias are illegal where he lives so they are not easy to come by.

Secondly, why force the guy to do something he does not need to do? Dubias are a great feeder, however, I have personally kept MANY varanids alive and healthy for many years without them. Crickets, worms, beetle larva, and rodents are just fine. Honestly, I have seen no difference in my collection since I have added roaches to the diet. It is about their daily nutritional intake, not what package it comes in. If you can offer them, that is great, if you cant, its not a big deal.

Feeder roaches only gained popularity over the last 6 years or so. What did we ever do before them?
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Old 04-24-12, 06:37 AM   #99
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Lol. You're funny. Roaches are illegal all over Canada iirc. That didn't stop him before. Also dubia are fairly easy to get a hold of. All you need to do is look. I personally couldn't care less what he feeds Cassie as she isn't my sav. What I have an issue with is the fact that he keeps saying I can't. If he plans on keeping her he needs to start saying I can. If feeding her is too expensive what will he do if she gets egg bound and need to see a vet because she won't lay her eggs? I understand he is only nineteen but that is not a good excuse.

Again I am not having a go at him for feeding a sav rodents. I am trying to get him to man up a bit and stop making excuses.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
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Old 04-24-12, 06:50 AM   #100
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Korbin,if you ever had a monitor,for the first time,it's normal to be worried you're doing things wrong,that's normal.Greg would point it out something if Brady were doing it wrong.
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Old 04-24-12, 07:25 AM   #101
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Roaches are actually very easy to come by in Canada and are advertised openly on RC. I can place an order today and have 100 at my door step tomorrow or the next day.

Not trying to get involved in this, just simply stating a fact.
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Old 04-24-12, 07:33 AM   #102
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

I wish! I live up north. Like Sudbury is big 160 thousand people. But I can't seem to find anything. My dubia is growing bybseptember I will have like 1000. And when I go to an expo in June I will pick up another thousand for her. I'm going to put a minnow trap in my favorite creek and catch a bunch for Cassie. I'll buy a 20 gal aquarium and keep them in there.

Snails and slugs will be in the diet when it warms up and I can go get some. Right now there's snow. If anyone wants to sell me some dubia I'll buy lots. The nearest guy from me is in Hamilton and that's so far away.

The new enclosure will have a nesting box. I will build one. If anyone can direct me into how I make one and how big it is.

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Old 04-24-12, 07:40 AM   #103
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Thanks Moe for showing me I am not getting my point across.

I couldn't care less about how he takes care of his Savannah monitor . I am not criticizing his husbandry or what he is feeding it as I have never owned one. I am trying to get him to stop making excuses and saying he can't. I do realize he is doing way better than most. I also realized he has made some real improvements.

Non potrei preoccuparmi più di meno per come prende la cura del suo monitor della savanna. Non sto criticando la sua agricoltura o che cosa sta alimentandogli poichè non ho posseduto mai uno. Sto provando a convincerlo a smettere di fare le giustificazioni e dire lui can' t. Realizzo che sta facendo il senso più meglio di la maggior parte. Inoltre ho realizzato che ha apportato alcuni miglioramenti reali.

Je ne pourrais pas m'inquiéter moins de la façon dont il prend soin de son moniteur de la savane. Je ne critique pas son agriculture ou ce qu'il lui alimente car je n'ai jamais possédé un. J'essaye de l'obliger à cesser de faire des excuses et de dire il can' ; t. Je réalise qu'il fait la manière mieux que les la plupart. J'ai également réalisé qu'il a apporté quelques vraies améliorations.

Ich könnte nicht weniger mich interessieren für, wie er um seinem Savannemonitor sich kümmert. Ich kritisiere nicht seinen Ackerbau, oder was er ihm einzieht, da ich nie ein besessen habe. Ich versuche, ihn zu veranlassen Entschuldigungen, zu bilden und zu sagen zu stoppen er can' t. Ich verwirkliche, dass er Weise besser als die meisten tut. Ich verwirklichte auch, dass er etwas reale Verbesserungen gebildet hat. (I wish Teddy was here to check my grammar on this one.)
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Old 04-24-12, 07:48 AM   #104
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

If anyone wants to sell me some dubia I'll buy lots. The nearest guy from me is in Hamilton and that's so far away.
I gave you all the contact for the guy on RC. He will ship and has the best prices around. Why don't you get in contact with him?
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Old 04-24-12, 07:55 AM   #105
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Re: Cassie eating a fuzzy.

Umm if it's gecho boys he doesn't sell anymore. Can you pm me the info again?
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