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Old 05-16-11, 09:16 PM   #31
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Re: any green iguana owners????

It's not a heated debate. One of the factors of reptile husbandry is the idea that we can adapt them into OUR environment. Instead of us adapting our environment to meet them. We are far more verisitile than the reptile, we need to make accomidations to proper house them.

Proper husbandry is not a debate, it's a fact.
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Old 05-16-11, 09:42 PM   #32
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Re: any green iguana owners????

Yeah what part was heated lol i'm getting educated on a few things. That's a good thing. I wasn't even trying to debate I was asking so I can make his life longer and better. Obviously he doesn't "need" it or he would be dead already.Bad choice of words. Not having it cuts down his life span so I shall fix it.

Dehlida have you ever used cool mist foggers? Can you give me any advice on picking a suitable one so I can get his humidity up?
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Old 05-16-11, 09:46 PM   #33
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Re: any green iguana owners????

The heated part was one individual talking from a pedestal, there is nothing wrong with stating facts and educating people but there are ways of saying things without offending them.
That being said i agree that proper husbandry must be a priority and there are ways of doing things properly.
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Old 05-16-11, 09:51 PM   #34
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Re: any green iguana owners????

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post
Yeah what part was heated lol i'm getting educated on a few things. That's a good thing. I wasn't even trying to debate I was asking so I can make his life longer and better. Obviously he doesn't "need" it or he would be dead already.Bad choice of words. Not having it cuts down his life span so I shall fix it.

Dehlida have you ever used cool mist foggers? Can you give me any advice on picking a suitable one so I can get his humidity up?
I can honestly say I've never used any sort of foggers. Generally keeping a cage warm and well misted does the job for me. However, since you are using an actual room, you will probably need to find some sort of humidifier to use, I'm not sure which models output the most, you'd have to check reviews on that.
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Old 05-17-11, 08:55 AM   #35
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Re: any green iguana owners????

I may have missed it but with all the "discussion" about humidity - has anyone said what the humidity should actually be?
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Old 05-17-11, 09:04 AM   #36
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Re: any green iguana owners????

I recommend keeping it around 70%.
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Old 05-18-11, 09:51 AM   #37
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Re: any green iguana owners????

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
I recommend keeping it around 70%.

Is salt bad for an iguanas health? I just read up and learned a bunch of new stuff. Like the spinach I feed him is terrible for him, so I need to feed him other things. I have canned green beans. They contain water and salt. Is that ok to feed him or is that too much salt?
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Old 05-18-11, 10:31 AM   #38
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Re: any green iguana owners????

On vacation the iguanas were eating random fruit that was in the trees and it was all cakes in salt, ill try and find a picture (if its good for them is another story, but they were all eating the fruid)
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Old 05-18-11, 12:02 PM   #39
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Re: any green iguana owners????

Spinnach is ok for him, I personally would stay away from canned items, and stick to fresh veggies. I'm not a huge proponent of salt. As for what they do in Florida, I'm not 100% sure that information is valid for the captive husbandry of iguanas. Florida is not a natural habitat and the main reasons they have thrived is because of no predators and no competition.
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Old 05-18-11, 01:37 PM   #40
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Re: any green iguana owners????

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
Spinnach is ok for him, I personally would stay away from canned items, and stick to fresh veggies. I'm not a huge proponent of salt. As for what they do in Florida, I'm not 100% sure that information is valid for the captive husbandry of iguanas. Florida is not a natural habitat and the main reasons they have thrived is because of no predators and no competition.
"Spinach contains oxalates and phytates. It has been proven that they sometimes bind to calcium, inhibiting it from being properly used by the body."

I've been feeding them pure spinach coated with calcium and fruit as a snack for along time, sounds like the spinach was cancelling out the calcium. Makes sense why my little one isn't growing as fast as he should be.
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