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Old 03-15-11, 10:02 PM   #1
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Thumbs down Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Tonight I went downstairs to hang out in my basement den and I immediately noticed water seeping up through the seams in the floor.

So I walked over and looked to find my sump hole completely filled and ready to overflow.

The water table (our well) has risen to meet the basement floor, and it's raining again!

We were NOT prepared, so I had to scramble around and go out to the track to fetch hoses from the watering system in the dark, half of my adapter fittings were out there too.

So we get the hose hooked up and started the pump. Nothing happens, I look and there is a gob of that plastic easter grass all jammed up in my sump pump.

I hooked up pump number two, it hardly made a difference, fired up the gasoline pump, and it won't prime!

So I finally hooked up our 220 volt monster pump (It's a sewer treatment pump, it's big) and it has been running for two hours now, at least it's pulling the level down a bit, and keeping the water off the floor.

This thing will be running non stop now for about the next month!!

No rest here until the water table / underground aquifer recedes below the 8 foot mark.

Meanwhile, the fire hose running out into the yard will be belching a couple hundred gallons a minute. and our electric meter is spinning like mad!! next months power bill is going to be scary big.
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Old 03-15-11, 10:06 PM   #2
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Yikes, Wayne, send some our way! From the sounds of it, there's enough water on your property to keep the farmers AND the Smelt happy lol

Best of luck keeping things unflooded, and with making the electric bill next month
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Old 03-15-11, 10:09 PM   #3
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

so sorry to hear this! i hope it all clears up quickly.
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Old 03-15-11, 10:12 PM   #4
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Sounds like an interesting night mate. I hope all goes well and your power bill is not too extreme!
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-15-11, 10:20 PM   #5
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Originally Posted by percey39 View Post
Sounds like an interesting night mate. I hope all goes well and your power bill is not too extreme!
It's been 8 years since the water table rose this high, I don't get much sleep, and I remember that $500+ electric bill very well.

Back in 1998 when this happened, I burned up a big Honda gas powered pump, they were not made for 24/7 continuous duty, so after 3 weeks of never shutting off except to refuel it, the motor died.

So I had to go to a commercial supplier to buy that $1800 electric monster pump.

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Old 03-15-11, 10:43 PM   #6
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

An $1800 electrical pump, Wow it would be a monster mate. How is the noise from it? I hope its bearable for you and your family to sleep.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-15-11, 10:47 PM   #7
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Oh wow D: I hope all clears up well and everything. I've never experienced a flood before, so I wouldn't know what even a little one is like :c
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Old 03-15-11, 11:33 PM   #8
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

I just took this picture, the pump is silent, it's underwater. Look close, you can see the current in the water.

Goulds rates the pump at 280 gallons per minute.

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Old 03-16-11, 12:14 AM   #9
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

wow why do you have to run it so long? thats a lot of water it pumps a minute id think it would be dont pronto
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Old 03-16-11, 12:24 AM   #10
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Originally Posted by Reptile_Reptile View Post
wow why do you have to run it so long? thats a lot of water it pumps a minute id think it would be dont pronto
Because the water table is billions of gallons big.

My well is trying to get into the basement, all I am doing is keeping an underground river from getting all over the place.

Since I have a den down there (My man cave) with a TV, Computer, stereo, furniture, and all the stuff in storage down there, this is not what I needed.
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Old 03-16-11, 12:33 AM   #11
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

i had no idea. dang i feel for you, if my man cave was violated this way i would go all out in similar manners.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. -John Lennon
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Old 03-16-11, 01:55 AM   #12
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

You know Wayne you could use it as a reason why you need to renovate the man cave. Dorothy would fall for it You need that new top of the line recliner and big screen tv because "water" damaged your old stuff.
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Old 03-16-11, 02:29 AM   #13
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Why do disasters happen to you whenever I'm here? Am I a bad omen? lol.

I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble with flooding, I hope you can get it sorted out soon
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Old 03-16-11, 02:30 AM   #14
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
You know Wayne you could use it as a reason why you need to renovate the man cave. Dorothy would fall for it You need that new top of the line recliner and big screen tv because "water" damaged your old stuff.
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Old 03-16-11, 03:25 AM   #15
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Re: Floodwater rising...not good

That's not good Wayne. The aquifir in your basement.... Better start that house in the woods soon, and leave out the basement. Hope it stops raining soon.
Thanks for reading, Greg

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