Originally Posted by Aaron_S
When his breathing looks like that it means he's stressing out. You're best bet is to put him back and allow him to find sanctuary within his favourite hiding spot.
The reason he places his tail on the lip of the enclosure is not because he doesn't want to go back it's because he's not secure and needs something to "hold onto." Remember, ball pythons are terrestrial creatures so being up in hands or in the air without very solid ground beneath them isn't something they would be accustomed to.
carpets are semi arboreal and love to climb
yet most of my carpets act the same way when lifted up
they get panicky and wrap as much of their tails as possible round the nearest object
mines are only out if they need spot cleaned,full clean or a 3 to 4 monthly health check.
its rare for me to take 1 of my carpets out unless theres a good reason for it
so this may explain their nervousness
i'm NOT against folk buying snakes to handle
its just not that appealing to me
i handle hatchlings regular to calm them down and get them used to human interaction
to the op
if you start by giving your snake short handling periods of 5 minutes per day then build from there
after its quite calm at 5 minutes handling
move onto 10 minutes per day
then 15 minutes after 15 minutes it should be calm most of the time
your snake may slowly come to feel more secure when handled
dont handle for 3 days after it eats this will give it time to digest its food
snakes can regurge if you handle them with a meal in their belly's
cheers shaun