The Canadian Mouseman is pleased to announce our new price list for rats:
*pinkies (8-12 g) for 0.55 each
*fuzzies (15-25 g) for 0.80 each
hoppers (30-60 g) for $1.10 each
weaned (60-100 g) for $1.45 each
small for (100-150 g) $1.85 each
medium (150-200 g) for $2.20 each
large (200-300 g) for $2.60 each
*jumbo (300 ) for $3.50 each
*subject to availablility
7% GST will be added to all prices
We also still continue to offer the best quality feeder mice money can buy at super low prices. Pinky mice as low as .20 each, fuzzies for .30, hoppers for .40 and our well know huge adult mice (averaging 28-32 grams ) for .55 each. Our complete mouse price list breakdown is on our website at:
Our toll free order line is available to all our valued customers at 1-877-434-4564 (mon-fri 9-5 MST)