oook.. so today i was looking at my tank, i was missing a clown loach... he got stuck in a shell and died :unsure: took the shells out, messed up the gravel, water got dirty.. did a 25% "dead fish water change"

to be safe...
turned my filters back on,.....nothing... not even a click!! my powerd head AND my internal filter were dead... tinkered around, messed the water up even more... with a big nasty explosion of ....gross fish stuff... into my water.. ick... after much wiggling the ugf pipe around.. i got gravel in it!!! i had one tiiiny piece of gravel in there before, now theres tons! it rattles like hell.
everytime i try to get some out... more magically appears!!
any help??
im now of thinking of getting rid of the UGF and getting a better internal, maybe an external?
ive stressed out my fish, ive stressed out myself, ive killed a fish, ive mucked up my water, my UGF, the gravel is all crap AND im covered in water....
ps, sorry for the wierd grammar and the odd way of writing this post.... im STRESSED!!