It could be that they are on the endangered list but i would highly doubt it. This fish in my opinion are not really highly sought after. While they are beautiful they are perhaps one of the most shy fish you will ever keep. They are nocturnal, really finiky eaters and always hide. In their natural habitat they live twenty to thirty feet down so they will not eat algae to my knowledge as at those depths none would be present. I kept one years ago but rarely saw it and after about two years i sold him/her. I don't believe that they are being captive bred either. So that, combined with its difficulty in catching, high prices, and lack of demand for a fish that mainly wants a diet of zuccini and zuccini only is probably why no one can find them. I think ive only ever seen them a couple of times for sale anyway. I believe i paid like a hundred bucks or so..........years ago, hard to remember, hope this helps.