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Old 03-02-17, 08:37 PM   #1
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Now what do I do?

I don't even know how to start this off...somehow, within the last 24 hours, my Corn Snake got out of it's enclosure. I just had the snake delivered yesterday!!

I searched the tank over, under, everywhere, leaving everything in the enclosure just in case, but she's nowhere to be found.

Now the question do I find her? Two floors, a basement, a Doberman, German Shepherd, and a Lab/Rottie mix to figure into the equation.

Oh, and I checked the tank...there was one suspect area in the Zilla Critter Cage where she "might have" squeeze through, providing she could stretch 18in straight up the corner.

Any suggestions would be welcome...any.
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Old 03-02-17, 09:01 PM   #2
RAD House
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Re: Now what do I do?

Do you have any hides or decorations that it could have climbed into a hole?
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Old 03-02-17, 09:03 PM   #3
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Re: Now what do I do?

Originally Posted by MesoCorney View Post
Do you have any hides or decorations that it could have climbed into a hole?
^ could still be in there. They tend to burrow into the substrate as well. If you're sure the snake isn't in there, then looks like you're on a snake hunt.
Snakes. Lots of them.
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Old 03-02-17, 09:03 PM   #4
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Re: Now what do I do?

That sucks. I don't know how you would find*her outside the*tank, but my first instinct would be to double check the*enclosure, removing each item and inspecting it thoroughly*as it's removed until there's nothing left. *Good luck. I hope you find her.
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Old 03-02-17, 09:14 PM   #5
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Re: Now what do I do?

The King is quite safe, due to its size, but that skinny little Corn could be anywhere.

Heat is on downstairs so I hope she doesn't come down and get into the ventilation system. Upstairs it's cooler since I don't turn on the heat and let the downstairs heat rise upstairs.

I'm beginning to wonder if getting snakes was such a good idea after all.
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Old 03-02-17, 09:14 PM   #6
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Re: Now what do I do?

Originally Posted by regi375 View Post
^ could still be in there. They tend to burrow into the substrate as well. If you're sure the snake isn't in there, then looks like you're on a snake hunt.
No substrate, just paper towels
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Old 03-02-17, 10:20 PM   #7
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Re: Now what do I do?

Try a plastic tub with either a fresh kill or live mouse for her to come after. It might come out for a treat. My albino burm got out our first night, and I had a full blown panic attack. She had managed to slither under my bed past 3 cats, and burrowed under the nightstand on the opposite side of the room (she had to pass by another exact same nightstand before slithering under the bed to the other one). She's slithering on my belly now. Don't panic. She could still be in the enclosure. Or she could be relatively close to the room. Look under furniture and places you wouldn't think to look. She probably hasn't gone far.
2.5 BCIs, 1.1 BCAs, 1.1 tiger retics, 0.1 Burm, 0.1 Woma, 0.1 Colombian rainbow boa

But if anyone asks, I only have 1. The rest just showed up for the house party.
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Old 03-02-17, 10:38 PM   #8
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Re: Now what do I do?

False alarm...she's still in there.

Good advice...don't panic (ha!). Look in all nooks and crannies, etc. (I did). I'm just glad I didn't take out any of the "hidey hole" furniture, I put a new one in last night, but left it in the cage, sealed up all the holes I spoke of earlier, and went and fixed dinner for my three boys (dogs).

Well, lo and behold, after searching all over the upstairs, narrowly missing my finger and almost peeling it with a very sharp knife while cutting up some rotisserie chicken for the boys' dinner (I did take off part of a the quick), I checked the enclosure and there she was at the top of the plant looking at the back side where the top slides into, looking for a way out. What a relief!!!!!

Now I need to put my mind at rest and seal the top up a bit better either with silicon bead or something else. In the meantime I have tape over the openings and a piece of cardboard JAMMED in the one opening at the right, front, top corner I thought she made her escape from.

I'd have a beer but I'm on antibiotics right now so I think I'll go to bed instead.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice!

Originally Posted by MesoCorney View Post
Do you have any hides or decorations that it could have climbed into a hole?
Yes, but I looked in it with a flashlight and couldn't see her...she must have jammed herself WAY UP in the one "faux" branch.

Originally Posted by GyGbeetle View Post
Try a plastic tub with either a fresh kill or live mouse for her to come after. It might come out for a treat. My albino burm got out our first night, and I had a full blown panic attack. She had managed to slither under my bed past 3 cats, and burrowed under the nightstand on the opposite side of the room (she had to pass by another exact same nightstand before slithering under the bed to the other one). She's slithering on my belly now. Don't panic. She could still be in the enclosure. Or she could be relatively close to the room. Look under furniture and places you wouldn't think to look. She probably hasn't gone far.
I had heard of this method, the live kill, but didn't have anything to offer other than the chicken above (the feeders I ordered won't be here until tomorrow). I did fire up an oil space heater in the hall, and put two rolls of wrapping paper down near the heater to see if she would get in them to get warm, but as you can see above, not necessary.

Last edited by Scubadiver59; 03-02-17 at 10:52 PM.. Reason: bad editing
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Old 03-02-17, 10:45 PM   #9
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Re: Now what do I do?

Hahahah! You're officially a snake keeper now! If you're heart's not pounding at least once a week....
2.5 BCIs, 1.1 BCAs, 1.1 tiger retics, 0.1 Burm, 0.1 Woma, 0.1 Colombian rainbow boa

But if anyone asks, I only have 1. The rest just showed up for the house party.
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Old 03-02-17, 11:11 PM   #10
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Re: Now what do I do?

I think we have all done something similar. You can tell as our first instinct that the snake was still in its enclosure. When I acquired my first snake I would freak out and dig up the entire enclosure trying to locate the little guy. You will become more comfortable with time and they are easier to locate as they get better. I am glad it is all fine.
R.A.D. house
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Old 03-03-17, 05:33 AM   #11
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Re: Now what do I do?

I think I just need her to grow up fast so she can't hide like she does. She's about the size of a #2 pencil, girth-wise, and can squirrel herself away in the darndest places. She seems to like it in that plant...she was there last night and again this morning.

Now the King is nowhere to be found...the hunt is on!

Originally Posted by MesoCorney View Post
I think we have all done something similar. You can tell as our first instinct that the snake was still in its enclosure. When I acquired my first snake I would freak out and dig up the entire enclosure trying to locate the little guy. You will become more comfortable with time and they are easier to locate as they get better. I am glad it is all fine.
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Old 03-03-17, 06:31 AM   #12
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Re: Now what do I do?

Have you considered moving them into tubs or something that would allow you to locate them easily, without the risk of a heart attack? x) Just until they get a bit bigger and easier to see.

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Old 03-03-17, 06:51 AM   #13
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Re: Now what do I do?

Originally Posted by afsgr88 View Post
Have you considered moving them into tubs or something that would allow you to locate them easily, without the risk of a heart attack? x) Just until they get a bit bigger and easier to see.
That's a thought...but which one(s) and would I need a small UTH to keep them warm? I have a space heater, mentioned previously, and the room is small enough I can keep it at any temp I want.
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Old 03-03-17, 08:05 AM   #14
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Re: Now what do I do?

Glad to hear she's ok and secured.
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Old 03-03-17, 08:31 AM   #15
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Re: Now what do I do?

Glad you found her. That's always a panicky feeling when you can't find them.

Originally Posted by Scubadiver59 View Post
In the meantime I have tape over the openings
Obviously I can't see what you've done, but be very careful with tape. It can be a snake trap.

The first snakes I was allowed to keep as a kid were little ringnecks that I'd caught. Not THE first one I kept, but one of the first - I covered some cracks around a fish tank lid (Shut up, it was the early 80's and I was young). It was a 20 gal tall tank, and my ringneck was maybe 5 inches long. I never thought it would get to the top of the tank anyway. But, you guessed it, I found it stuck to the tape, dead. I later figured out young ringnecks are so light, they can sort of stick to wet glass and climb up the corners.
“...the old ones ... knew in their bones... that death exists, that all life kills to eat, that all lives end, that energy goes on. They knew that humans are participants, not spectators.” -- Stephen Bodio, On the Edge of the Wild
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