Originally Posted by shaunyboy
hello and welcome,not quite sure i understand the wierd horder bit on your post re having 5 snakes.most of us on here keep snakes into double figures.trust me pal when i say theres nothing wierd about that,ha,ha. you may end up the same way if you stay on here as you see a post then want that snake
cheers shaun
The hoarder bit was in reference ,(I guess I should have clarified) to what some people say when I tell them that I have 5 snakes. "I see people like you on the news" or "Maybe you have a problem" things along those lines.
At any rate, there are several more snakes that I'd like to have, but I know I just don't have the money or time for them all. And I really don't want to raise my own rodent's, we have had pet rats in the past . P U !