Originally Posted by formica
Yes, and thats fine as long as they can find it afterwards, before another predator or scavenger comes along, and as long as the predator is not injured in the process. Prey pumped up on adrenaline can run a long way in 30 minutes to 5 hours, and can do allot of damage to any predator that doesnt avoid it or isnt able to physically restrain it
the issue is not ''does it work'', the issue is people saying that it is more advanced and more efficient, than for eg a hinge fanged pit viper, or a spitting cobra, both delivery systems are far more advanced, hinged fangs physiologically, and spitting with its significant brain power used to aim the jet - and compared to venoms which take a few minutes to act, 30 minutes is a long long time
Well I'm not going to argue that point, because to me a venom that kills in minutes is more efficient than venom that kills in hours. I was just agreeing with MDT's post when he said as long as it works, it is in it's own sense....efficient.