Tub Problems...
Hello, everyone. I recently switched my Ball to a Tub, from a Terrarium. Everything is working great, except for the humidity... It is staying at about 50-60% humidity which is perfect but it is also making the enclosure extremely damp/wet. Can't a Damp/wet enclosure cause skin infections and other problems as well? I switched out the wet bedding and replaced it with dry bedding, and I dried all the hides, walls, and lid of the enclosure about an hour ago, but that's besides the point. I switched to a tub to eliminate the need to mist every couple of hours. I'd much rather mist every couple hours, than change bedding every couple of hours. Anyways, Please leave suggestions as to How I'd get rid of some of that wetness/dampness or if that's fine for a Ball Python, and I shouldn't worry about it.
P.S. The reason I say "wetness/dampness" is because it's too wet to call it damp, and it's too damp to call it wet.