So this has pretty much been a week of hell for poor Sebby, my 2 year old corn (and me too!) He had refused a feed, and with him being a fussy feeder, my usual practice is to leave him completely alone for a week then offer him one again, so i didn't notice a small burn had appeared on his neck. Unbeknown to me, Sebby's thermostat stopped working and for what i can only assume was up to a week, his heat mat was effectively unstatted. He also chose that moment to find a gap in the lino covering it and went underneath the lino so was directly on the heat mat. His thermometer had broken and when the replacement arrived a week later i saw the temperature and immediately checked it out then realised the issue. He has approximately 3 small patches of dry looking skin and i assume they're burns. You can only see them when you look closely, so when i checked on him every day, because i didn't handle him i couldn't see them. Here is some photos - he was very unsettled and not his normal calm self so they're not the best quality. The white marks you see on them are not actually very visible in reality.
I gave him a lukewarm bath and intend to do this daily. I also changed his heating so that it is now statted and safe - is there anything else i should or shouldn't do?