Hognose terrarium size preferences
I've been reading up on hognoses lately, and it seems they might be what I'm looking for in a active, diurnal snake. However, I have found a bit of conflicting information.
Namely I have seen it stated repeatedly that hognoses don't like overly large enclosures. Yet I have also read that making the enclosure too small (like a ten gallon aquarium size) inhibits their ability to thermoregulate effectively as there isn't enough space for the other end of the terrarium to cool down sufficiently from the quite high hot end temperatures they prefer.
I'm a fan of Exo Terra terrariums, and basically would like to know what among them you think would make the best adult hognose enclosure. I presume a low one would be recommended as they don't climb much and it might make them feel more secure than having a high ceiling. But then there is the question of length. The two size classes I am looking at are:
60 x 45 x 30 cm / 24” x 18” x 12” (WxDxH)
90 x 45 x 30 cm / 36” x 18” x 12” (WxDxH)
Now the larger one I presume would be okay for a female hognose, but the smaller one is only 4 inches wider than ten gallon aquarium which I read is too small.
I guess a quicker way to ask this is at what size does a terrarium typically become threatening to a hognose of a given size?