Re: The one and ONLY python BAN thread
I just wanna say one thing about everyone freaking out.
There are lots of threads on here lately that are the same thing getting reposted and yeah I found them really annoying but then I did something, I stopped reading them. I understand you guys don't like seeing them all the time on your new posts but this isn't some silly little picture thread with someones snake looking left and then looking right. Its an issue and I know i've learned a lot from all of the threads being made and I also know that personally when I see something that is 21 pages long i'm not going to read it, mainly because it is usually filled with a lot of random gossip and not the issue. I like the newer threads because they are to the point, easier to read and are more focused and I know newer people would be more inclined to read them.
Honestly I find the whining about the threads more annoying then the threads themselves then I just stopped reading the whining.
Sorry if I offend but everyone else has said their piece so I wanted to say mine.
I say the newer threads help reach more people with more information and I find them more helpful then a 21 page jumbled chit chat.
2.0 Ball Pythons, 2.0 BCIs, 0.1 Crested Gecko