I debated on sharing this and decided the humor was just too good not to. About a week ago I had a colonoscopy and an upper gi endoscopy. I won't go in to too much detail, if you don't know what that entails......google it.
Anyways...... for various reasons, I was given an awesome cocktail of drugs. (Non recreational ) So I didn't feel a thing. (Thank goodness.

) When you get a colonoscopy, they use use a lot of air to be able to maneuver the camera. (You know where this is going.) Long story short. I had both procedures done, and when they were finished, I was wheeled into the recovery room with about 6 other people that had had at least one of the two procedures done.
I awoke with severe gas pains, in a room with 6 people farting. I was number 7 even in the drugged up state I was in I recognized the humor of THAT situation. I think I was farting for about 6 or 7 hours afterwords.