Originally Posted by bcr229
Can you ask that they wait a few weeks before shipping for temperatures to warm up a bit? We have a major winter storm moving through the middle of the country that's supposed to hit us in the mid-Atlantic tomorrow before clobbering the northeast over the weekend. I wouldn't ship any animal that required a warm environment to survive shipped into those conditions.
Oh I did. I'll be checking the temperature after next Thursday, since none of the days between now and then will be suitable temperature wise.
As far as route, I was able to track specifically what centers it went through in the process of getting here, so I have all the cities and can check them to determine when will be the best possible night to ship it overnight. The biggest problem is it's overnight, and temperatures drop over night, sooo... a little inconvenient in that regard.
They said they'd hold one for me until the weather was permitting, though.