Originally Posted by millertime89
Neuro issues: I do, to an extent, understand why people breed snakes that have the potential for neuro problems. The demand of most morphs that have these issues is HIGH and as a result the price and profit for creating them is high. As long as a snake with neuro problems is sold as such then I really don't see a problem with it. Furthermore, euthanizing a snake with extreme neuro issues should be done. The snake can then be fed to another snake that eats snakes (king cobra, king snake, etc.).
imo with the jaguar its not so much down to money being made,as jags are roughly only £150
it may have been when the morph first came out but not now
imo the jag gene gets used most for its colour and pattern mutation creating unusual and very good looking snakes (usually its high clean yellow colouring)
re feeding snakes to snakes
the black headed python will NOT eat euthinised snakes,they will only take live
granted its not as quick as euthinising a snake with one quick hard blow,causing full cranial destruction before the brain can register any kind of pain
but it is a natural way of eating for the bhp,so imo theres nothing morally wrong with it
it also clears up the dilemma of,what to do with below average looking unwanted carpets flooding the market.imo its got to the point theres that many,you can't give them away to find a home for them.breeding for me HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY...!!
for me its about creating high quality,wonderfull looking snakes or new combinations of them.
i'm pretty sure most folk keep their snakes because of how they look,also to study and watch behavoir patterns etc.but imo very few people keep snakes they find ugly,just to study their behavoiral patterns etc.
what i'm trying to say is,that alot of people are quick to shoot morph breeders down in flames,saying that this or that should not be done ,just to make pretty snakes.yet imo the first thing that draws someone to looking at,then keeping snakes,is how good the snake looks in the first place
so think of just how many thousands of jaguar related snakes were produced and are now being kept,that would NOT have been produced,had there not been a demand for them,so i preffer to think in terms of how many NEW lifes,will be created by the discovery of a new morph.
the only other answer would be to stop breeding morph's,imo that would be wrong,as we would never see the potential,the morph has for producing top class snakes,and furthering our knowledge on snake genetics
some people may disagree with me on ethical beliefs.but imo theres NOTHING unethical about feeding a snake its NATURAL prey,they are preditors after all
for the record
i feed all my snakes frozen thawed,but would feed live at a last resort,before assist or force feeding
i feel keeping a blackheaded python for unwanted hatclings is perfectly acceptable and natural
cheers shaun