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Old 08-18-11, 08:34 AM   #31
Onyx Cross
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Wow, lots of [pointless] drama here. To each their own. Not going to chime in here too much just going to point some things out.
You should have expected replies like this considering that you did ask a question, albeit seemingly rhetorical. But now you've gotten your answers. Accept such answers and don't badger people for their opinion.

I use a heat lamp and over 70% of my cage is covered from the light anyway. My snake doesn't have any health issues, and I doubt she minds the light because she doesn't try to hide from it. I'm switching over to CHE as soon as I'm a little more well off financially. For now, I use what I have to make sure that the snake stays warm. Her tank never falls below 80 degrees and it's usually 80-85, reaching up to about 90 degrees on a very hot day.
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Old 08-18-11, 05:13 PM   #32
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by Will0W783 View Post
I have enough snakes that it works better for me to heat my entire snake room and supplement with CHEs and flexwatt in cages where more heat is required. I arrange my heaters so that all my cages have a front to back heat gradient, and I've had this setup for about a year now. I have yet to have any problems with a snake in that room. They all shed perfectly, eat perfectly and no respiratory issues. I use melamine and ABS plastic cages that hold humidity well. I found it harder to keep things organized when I used lamps on every cage, but a few years back when I only had 10 snakes, the lamps and CHEs were way more efficient. I personally am not a fan of only having belly heat on snakes, as it has been shown to occasionally lead to constipation and digestive issues. Plus, if your thermostat breaks your snake can burn itself on the belly heat. However, a lot of people have success with just using belly heat.

I think that each person needs to find what method works best for them and their snakes. Personally, I don't see the point of this thread, other than to rile people up and create animosity.

Why waste money on heat lamps, you say? Well, I say, Why waste time and energy on this thread??
thank you kim, my point exactly.
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Old 08-18-11, 08:06 PM   #33
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
My house can get down to 60 degrees but parts of my house are cooler at times, especially at night. People often think Texas doesn't get that cold...but you would be surprised! And to save energy I often don't turn on the heat until well after sunset. Thus my home can get down to uncomfy levels even for people in the coldest months. We bundle up 2 layers most of the time to keep warm. You won't sway me from using my lamps for my reptiles during the winter, I would much rather spend the money for the lamps and bulbs than risk something happening to them due to being to cold.
I'd never noticed you were in Fort Worth. I'm about 5 hours southeast of you, right outside of Beaumont. Your right about Texas, we've had snow what the last two years I believe?? I don't use any heat right now, my enclosures stay between 80 and 82 degress during the day and about 75 to 78 at night, perfect for my CRBs and also works for my corn. I plan on going with pro-products radiant heat panels in October when I get their permanent enclosures. Going to look at some of the vendors at the Houston Repticon in October. Acadian and Cen-tex and a few other's will be there. Gonna take a look at their enclosures. You going to the repticon in Houston?
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Old 08-18-11, 08:09 PM   #34
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
Guys let's not start again. Many people have different opinions and there isn't just one right answer always. Just step back, take a deep breath and respect each others opinions.
You sure you're only 13 youngster, lol ???? You seem lot more mature than some of the "adults" on here!!
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons
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Old 08-18-11, 08:37 PM   #35
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by ladyjustice33 View Post
You sure you're only 13 youngster, lol ???? You seem lot more mature than some of the "adults" on here!!
Haha, yeah I'm 13 :P Born 1998! I'm probably more mature on here than in real life I don't know why. I'm a pretty crazy person!
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Old 08-18-11, 08:37 PM   #36
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by ladyjustice33 View Post
I'd never noticed you were in Fort Worth. I'm about 5 hours southeast of you, right outside of Beaumont. Your right about Texas, we've had snow what the last two years I believe?? I don't use any heat right now, my enclosures stay between 80 and 82 degress during the day and about 75 to 78 at night, perfect for my CRBs and also works for my corn. I plan on going with pro-products radiant heat panels in October when I get their permanent enclosures. Going to look at some of the vendors at the Houston Repticon in October. Acadian and Cen-tex and a few other's will be there. Gonna take a look at their enclosures. You going to the repticon in Houston?

Nah lady I am going to the big show in Arlington in February. Depending on if any of my tanks clear up by then depends on if I get anymore reptiles. I also often attend the smaller expos in Arlington at the Moose Lodge. Plan on going there next month for more frozen food for my hoggie and possibly a 3rd leopard gecko Maybe you should look into it! Would be nice to meet a fellow forum member.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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Old 08-18-11, 08:40 PM   #37
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
Nah lady I am going to the big show in Arlington in February. Depending on if any of my tanks clear up by then depends on if I get anymore reptiles. I also often attend the smaller expos in Arlington at the Moose Lodge. Plan on going there next month for more frozen food for my hoggie and possibly a 3rd leopard gecko Maybe you should look into it! Would be nice to meet a fellow forum member.
I'm going to check into it for sure. We love road trips and reptile expos, lol !!
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons
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Old 08-18-11, 08:42 PM   #38
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by ladyjustice33 View Post
I'm going to check into it for sure. We love road trips and reptile expos, lol !!
If you need info on it feel free to message me Or if you plan on going let me know as well! Just so I can know to watch out for ya.
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

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Old 08-18-11, 08:49 PM   #39
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by NennaMeerkat View Post
If you need info on it feel free to message me Or if you plan on going let me know as well! Just so I can know to watch out for ya.

Sounds good, thanks!!!
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons
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Old 08-19-11, 09:15 AM   #40
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

If a keeper's room temp cannot reach the lower end required of the species being kept than some sort of heating element will be required to raise the ambient temperature. In these cases, especially with pet owners, theres nothing wrong with using a thermostat regulated heat lamp. A UTH set to provide a hot spot of 92 degrees, for example, cannot successfully raise the ambient temp in a large enclosure in a relatively cool room.

There is no proof that belly heat aids in digestion anymore than proper ambient temperatures do. As long as the animal is able to achieve proper body temperatures then it is going to be able to properly function metabolically. I know of big breeders that do not use UTHs at all and rely only on ambient temps for certain species.

Not all species of snakes can handle temp drops of 70F and 60F degrees. Night drops are not necessary for pet snakes and I would recommend constant temps to pet snake keepers with most species.

just my .02
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Old 08-19-11, 01:09 PM   #41
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally quoted by citysnakes:
Not all species of snakes can handle temp drops of 70F and 60F degrees. Night drops are not necessary for pet snakes and I would recommend constant temps to pet snake keepers with most species.
Thank you Julian...that is very true. A lot of exotic species will get sick if they are repeatedly subjected to nighttime drops down to 60-70F. I know bloods, balls, and Burms would definitely not handle that well. I've read and heard from a lot of breeders and keepers more experienced than I am that you should not be subjecting your snakes to nighttime temperature drops unless you are cooling them for breeding. It's especially hard on young snakes- a lot of nighttime drops can signal to the animals that it's winter and time to start brumating and go off food.
I would definitely not recommend year-round severe night drops for an entire collection.
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Old 08-19-11, 02:24 PM   #42
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

Originally Posted by Will0W783 View Post
I would definitely not recommend year-round severe night drops for an entire collection.
This is why I would be keeping my ball in our bedroom as it is always the warmest room in the house even in the winter. Though I will still have to use a heat lamp for it during the winter months.
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Old 09-12-11, 06:03 PM   #43
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

I use a screen top because the care sheets said they need ventilation AND humidity, I also have a heat bulb that a turn on when he's out so he can bask. the only problem i have is that it dries out the substrate so darn fast.
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Old 09-12-11, 06:21 PM   #44
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?

I don't have balls YET!! but from what I've found you need to cover a portion of your screen top to aquire and keep the proper humidity for balls.
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Old 09-12-11, 08:10 PM   #45
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Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?


You need to realize making a statement like this. That in some situations you are correct. and in others you are wrong. Is going to bring flack.

Noobs who do trust your wisdom.. Will take this and than struggle with how to heat a cold tank. since a bulb should NEVER be used. how do they heat a cold tank whent he UTH isn't cutting it.

You make a point. and someone makes a counter point. thats how things work.

And most giant snake breeders will prefer radiant heat.
It's just expensive.
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