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Old 09-27-04, 01:15 PM   #196
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I used to have an attack skunk. To bad in GA we can't have the black and white ones
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Old 09-27-04, 01:36 PM   #197
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LMAO you guys are too funny!

BW, I caught that part about the owner being shot... what a guy! Willing to die for his dogs! I would too, but if my dogs were innocent.

And did this shooting occur as the dogs were attacking the girl, or right after? I'd cringe thinking the dogs are on the girls and some guy is standing there shooting at them....

I hope she walks away from this attack without the fear of dogs... most are really genuine animals, but you don't hear about the good animals in the everyday news... just the bad ones...
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Old 09-28-04, 05:14 PM   #198
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And here we go again.....

The thing that stands out to me in this attack.. Even the Media are saying that the dogs were protecting thier property, i would have thought they would have used this as more leverage on banning (not that they won't).. Also, the owner of the dogs threw herself onto the young man so the dogs would bite her and not him...

It appears now that they're looking into banning or atleast cracking down on owners of ALL large breed dogs... Muzzle rule will be in affect very soon..

C'mon people, if you own a dog of ANY breed, be reponsible, use a leash and don't allow your dog to walk the streets ALONE..
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Old 09-28-04, 05:44 PM   #199
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The big issue with pit bulls is their strength and tenacity. We can debate the laws and safety factors till the cows come home, but if you get into a tussle with a put bull where blood is drawn, chances are the damage is going to be much more severe than with a lot of other dogs.

Even a pomeranian can kill, as was noted on CBC regarding an incident last year, but most of the "horrifying" attacks by dogs you hear about involve kids, because adults can fight off most breeds.

So we don't hear about the foiled attack where the adult male kicked the dogs ***, because nobody got hurt. But a pit bull can bring down a full grown man, and a lot of people are aware of that.

We have people here who are responsible owners, but if your dog knocks down a door or scales an 8 foot high fence and manages to rip a hole in someone, you can bet you'll be vilified in the news same as any other owner.

I don't see the government being willing to dicker over who the good and bad owners are. It's going to become a matter of when they come to euthanize people's dogs.

They mentioned on the radio today that Windsor will most likely be implementing Kitchener's pit bull bylaw immediately, with an exception made for AmStaffs.
I bet by next week no one will own a pit bull in Windsor, but the population of AmStaffs will go through the roof
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Old 09-29-04, 09:31 AM   #200
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I own AmStaffies!!! LOL =)
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Old 09-29-04, 02:33 PM   #201
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another attack.... it seems like they will ban if this goes on

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Old 10-07-04, 07:17 PM   #202
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hey everyone, i don't know if this is of any great importance, but Windsor has recently adopted a pitbull ban and they're hoping to make it ontario-wide.

here are some links:
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Last edited by emilsmee; 10-07-04 at 07:22 PM..
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Old 10-08-04, 05:40 PM   #203
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Good for Windsor. About time something like this was done. And I likew the grandfather clause as well. It's something I've always felt was fair. Hopefully the rtest of Ontario will follow suit.

You can argue all you want that the problem is with people not Pit Bulls, but since there is no practical way to keep them out of the wrong hands banning is the only way to go.
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Old 10-09-04, 06:54 PM   #204
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I gave up on trying to argue the points in this thread a while ago and decided to use my time better by spending time with my Pitt X and my new kitten. I managed to get a few pics of my big tough looking Pitty getting the crap beaten out of him by his little sister................

Viscious ain't she........LOL!!!
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Last edited by Ryan23; 10-09-04 at 07:06 PM..
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