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Old 06-28-12, 08:10 AM   #1
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breeding plans..

so ive been up for 3 hrs looking over what snakes i have, what i need, and what im going to go for... just wanted to throw this over to you guys and see what you all think...

Male Pastave will be bred to:
f-lesser/mojo (need to get one)

male pastel will be bred to:
f-pastel ( i have 2)
f- normal

Male cinny will be bred to
f-cinny (need to buy another one)

my 1.1 het pieds/albino/ and 66% het toffes will only breed with the het of other sex.... ( pied to pied, albino to albino, ect...)

does this sound like a good start? or what do you guys think/.
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Old 06-28-12, 08:22 AM   #2
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Re: breeding plans..

After seeing what could come of breeding two cinnys together I would never ever do it.
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Old 06-28-12, 08:33 AM   #3
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Re: breeding plans..

Originally Posted by Valvaren View Post
After seeing what could come of breeding two cinnys together I would never ever do it.
would you please explain that? I am horrible with genetics...
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Old 06-28-12, 08:50 AM   #4
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Re: breeding plans..

Just cinnys are known to cause deformities when bred together, I never really knew anything besides that as there are lots of cases of deformities when trying to make certain supers (super cinnies in this case). Just a breeder on another forum who was unaware of the potential risk bred two together and out of six eggs, two were culled right away (supers) another super has a kink (not sure how bad), there was a normal which was fine and a possible twilight who iirc was fine and then another baby still in the egg who had a bulged eye.

The two that were culled had major kinks and face deformities.

Idk he swore if he knew he wouldn't have bred them and he never would again. I just personally after seeing what could come I would never even risk it.

EDIT : The thread I am referring two has been linking on the reptile report, second page if you wish to check it out.
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Old 06-28-12, 09:46 AM   #5
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Re: breeding plans..

Originally Posted by Valvaren View Post
Just cinnys are known to cause deformities when bred together, I never really knew anything besides that as there are lots of cases of deformities when trying to make certain supers (super cinnies in this case). Just a breeder on another forum who was unaware of the potential risk bred two together and out of six eggs, two were culled right away (supers) another super has a kink (not sure how bad), there was a normal which was fine and a possible twilight who iirc was fine and then another baby still in the egg who had a bulged eye.

The two that were culled had major kinks and face deformities.

Idk he swore if he knew he wouldn't have bred them and he never would again. I just personally after seeing what could come I would never even risk it.

EDIT : The thread I am referring two has been linking on the reptile report, second page if you wish to check it out.
i never heard of cinnys causing anything, i knew about spiders, but after a little reading, it seems like that will come out when you breed spider back into something with spider.. (spider x spider for example) and carmels have the kink... never heard of the cinny though, can you link that to me here, or in PM please?

other than the cinny thing, what else you suggest?
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Old 06-28-12, 11:13 AM   #6
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Re: breeding plans..

Originally Posted by DeEuGi View Post
i never heard of cinnys causing anything, i knew about spiders, but after a little reading, it seems like that will come out when you breed spider back into something with spider.. (spider x spider for example) and carmels have the kink... never heard of the cinny though, can you link that to me here, or in PM please?

other than the cinny thing, what else you suggest?
What does spider x spider do?

So the known mutations that generally have issues:

Spiders - Wobble
Caramels - Kinks
Powerball - Wobble
Super Cinnamon/Super Black Pastel - Kinking, duckbilling
Pearl - Lethal
Desert females - don't reproduce
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Old 06-28-12, 11:59 AM   #7
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Re: breeding plans..

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
What does spider x spider do?

So the known mutations that generally have issues:

Spiders - Wobble
Caramels - Kinks
Powerball - Wobble
Super Cinnamon/Super Black Pastel - Kinking, duckbilling
Pearl - Lethal
Desert females - don't reproduce
from what i read is....

if you breed a spider back into a spider gene, the risks are greater of the wobble coming out...

say spider x spinner this would make the chance of wobble greater than say breeding a spider to a pastel...

like i said Aaron, this is just somthing i read, i have no idea about it, could be complete crap, could be spot on, i dont know..

oh yea, thanks for listing the mutation for me.
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Old 06-28-12, 12:04 PM   #8
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Re: breeding plans..

Disregard what you've read.

I have a few spider crosses in my collection and have seen a few dozen more. The parents have nothing to do with the amount of wobble in the offspring. Some have a wicked wobble or some don't have much. It does not increase if both parents are spider or have spider in the combo.

Also to really answer your original question, just buy what you like. Find a mutation you really like and either buy it or buy the ingredients to make it if you're in it just for fun.
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Old 06-28-12, 09:50 AM   #9
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Re: breeding plans..

Super Cinnamons – The Reason Why Not | The Reptile Report
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Old 06-28-12, 10:53 AM   #10
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Re: breeding plans..

thanks ! ...

okay, after reading taht and looking at the pics. not sure if i will do a cinny x cinny. i LOVE super cinnys, but i dont want to risk that.... same reason i am not going to breed my spider girl that much, (prolly just 1 time to get some different morphs, then she will be retired into the "pets". )

thanks for sharing, and thanks for letting me know.
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Old 06-28-12, 12:46 PM   #11
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Re: breeding plans..

Do mojave x mojave supers look any different from lesser x lesser supers? What about mojave x lesser supers? That would be a cool snake to have because you'd get all one or the other out of it. Right?
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Old 06-28-12, 12:50 PM   #12
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Re: breeding plans..

mojave BEL's have a "dirty" look to them on their head. The purply colour comes through.

Lesser BEL's are all white and I'm unsure of the eye colour if it's Black or Blue.

Lesser x Mojave BEL's are all white and I'm unsure of the eye colour as well. Someone may come post links to worldofballpythons or you can go there to check them out too
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Old 06-28-12, 01:38 PM   #13
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Re: breeding plans..

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
mojave BEL's have a "dirty" look to them on their head. The purply colour comes through.

Lesser BEL's are all white and I'm unsure of the eye colour if it's Black or Blue.

Lesser x Mojave BEL's are all white and I'm unsure of the eye colour as well. Someone may come post links to worldofballpythons or you can go there to check them out too
i have already... mine will be pastave x lesser so we will see, if i even get any. lol.
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Old 06-28-12, 01:22 PM   #14
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Re: breeding plans..

Thanks Aaron. I can't get to wobp from work, our network is too slow. Plus I only get a couple minutes here & there to check in lately. I'll check it out when I get home.
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Old 06-30-12, 10:26 AM   #15
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Re: breeding plans..

i looked at wobp and they all are BEL. all look the general same to me.. i started a new thread about them, hoping to draw in some more people to help me with this.
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