Adopting a few snakes!
I'm pumped! Our university has a herp room and (unfortunately for them) they are downsizing their collection. I've stopped by there a few times and they've got a few snakes that are most likely up for an adoption!
For sure we're getting a bullsnake and also up for grabs are possibly one or two bci (females I believe... around 4') and then maybe even a couple of sub-adult to adult Ball pythons!
Less likely up for adoption are some corn snakes (not really interested in them though) and they're not sure yet about a baby hognose.
I'll hopefully be stopping by on Monday morning to find out more...
This should hopefully turn out pretty sweet!
PS, if anyone has any good info on bull snakes I'd love it, I've been online researching them all morning!
PPS, mods, I hope that this is ok in the general forum since its mostly about adoption and my excitement, and not about any specific species?