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Old 11-07-03, 05:24 PM   #1
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The Drunk and the Patient

Thought this was a good one, enjoy!

The patient and the drunk

>An extremely modest man was in the hospital for a series of tests,
>the last of which had left his bodily systems extremely upset.
>Upon making several false alarm trips to the bathroom,
>he figured that the latest episode was just that, so he stayed put.
> Suddenly, however, he filled his bed with diarrhea and
>was embarrassed beyond his ability to remain rational.
>In a complete loss of composure, he jumped out of bed,
>gathered up the bed sheets, and threw them out the hospital window.
>A drunk was walking by the hospital when the sheets landed on him.
>The drunk started yelling, cursing, and swinging his arms violently,
>in an attempt to free himself of the sheets. He ended up
>the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet.
>As the drunk stood there, staring down at the sheets,
> a hospital security guard who had witnessed the entire incident,
>walked up to him and asked, "What the heck is going on?"
>The drunk, still staring down at the sheets, replied,
>"I think I just beat the **** out of a ghost."
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