I would definitely start off with 200 mealies or more, they seem to take a while to kick start (not really, its just the babies are just so teeny weeny...lol). All you need is a container with a few inches of substrate, throw in peices of potato, carrot, apple, for moisture and food (alternating between those works well). The warmer you keep them (within reason) the faster they will grow and reproduce (this is why often times you see mealies in pet store fridges). Then just sit back and wait
I've included a good recipe for mealie substrate
<center><U>Substrate Ingredients</U>
* red bran
*white bran
*rice or mixed fruit baby cereal
*rolled oats (not instant)
*fish food flakes
*12 grain mix
*wheat germ
*Bottom of the bag of rodent blocks (I know not everyone can do this, but if you get big bags of rodent blocks the dust at the bottom is super nutritious)
*orange peel
*either peice of carrot, potato, or apple