Re: New to forum. Input on my male BCC..... pics needed
hi . you dont say how you are heating the viv as 93 is high , i never let mine get over 90 but then i a thermostat to stop this happening, i use ceramic bulb's in my vivs with a thermostat. ive been to egypt plenty of times and no the weather is a lot warmer there. ive only had my bcc guyana for two months and is a year and half and is on only small rat weeners he would never be able to take a small rat for ages
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard