Hey guys!
I have been poking around on the Internet about this subject, but everyone says something different... What is the expected body temperature of a burmese python?
The reason why I am asking this is because my burm decided to basically camp on the cold side of the enclosure for almost a week now. Last time I took his temperature with temp gun, it was at 71°F and I am just afraid that's too cold, but i am not sure. Husbandry is as follows:
- Hot side is between 84°F and 87°F (measured with temp gun)
- Cold side is at 75°F (also measured with temp gun)
- Air temperature is at 82/83°F (measured with digital thermometer with a probe)
- Humidity is kept between 60% and 75%
Maybe an important detail: his last successful feed was 2 weeks ago. I am giving him some tough love to see if I can finally get him on rats. Can this have something to do with his behavior? He used to spend all his time in the hot side. He has 2 hides, but uses none, btw.
Here is a pic of the enclosure (I know, I gotta get the cables fixed, please don't judge
Should I worry?