Feeding question
Regarding my recently (2 weeks) received pair of yearling DRMB's. Unlike the other pair that were accustomed to eating f/t quail chicks, the more recent arrivals had been eating fuzzy mice, fed every 2 weeks. I offered them f/t quail chicks left overnight after the first week, neither one ate them. I wasn't surprised about the female because she was in shed.
She completed the shed last week, so I waited until Sunday and brained a couple quail chicks and again left them in overnight. The female took one, the male still ignored the other. Should I try the male with another brained quail chick in a couple more days or offer a f/t fuzzy mouse? Would placing him in a bag (regular or net?) with a quail chick be likely to work better?
On a side note, the shed skin came off cleanly, but not all in one piece. There were a half dozen or so pieces several inches long scattered around the enclosure where she had traveled and climbed about, while about half of the back end was intact, down to the tail tip. Humidity is around 55%, should it be higher for shedding? I've never seen any of them soaking in the water bowls.