Nice to see reefers her too

been/was keeping reef tanks for about 25 years.. things sure were different back then compared to these days...
this system was set up with lots of equipment.
92 aqueon corner tank with a self made acrylic sump
10k metal halide with 4x t5 actinics plus a actinic LED strip
kalk reactor, CA reactor
all the pumps I could fit controlled by my reef keeper
and so much more stuff I forget

nice fish, tones of corals.. spent sooo much time and $$$ I could sit there for hours just looking at it..
but after that long in the hobby and fighting a chemical war after one of my most aggressive corals fell on another one

manage to save most of them with water changes and carbon filters... decided that it was time.. but hope to one day get back into it if time and space permit
how I miss my tank :-(