A friend of mine posted this to my FB page saying that the government was talking about banning both owning and breeding of all exotic species, both reptile and mammal.
I took a look at this petition, and can't see anything about this happening in Canada (or where it is actually happening)
I did an internet search and only found that the government is thinking about whether they should get involved in regulating the giant snake species at a federal level (right now, here in Canada it is done at a Provincial level) because of what happened with the African Rock Python in New Brunswick.
I cannot find anywhere on the internet where it says anything about banning the keeping or breeding of ALL exotic animals.
Does anyone know about this, where it is happening, or if some individual has misinterpreted what is being said and creating a panic in the reptile community world wide on face book because of it??
I would love to hear what any of you may know and what you think on this subject. I would hate to think that someone is going to come and confiscate my (currently) COMPLETELY LEGAL Cornsnakes, Ball Pythons and Boas.