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Old 04-06-04, 10:54 PM   #1
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Animal rights society....We must speak for the animals.Please join the online discussion group and make a difference!

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The other animals humans eat, use in science, hunt, trap, and exploit in a variety of ways, have a life of their own that is of importance to them apart from their utility to us. They are not only in the world, they are aware of it. What happens to them matters to them. Each has a life that fares better or worse for the one whose life it is.
That life includes a variety of biological, individual, and social needs. The satisfaction of these needs is a source of pleasure, their frustration or abuse, a source of pain. In these fundamental ways, the nonhuman animals in labs and on farms, for example, are the same as human beings. And so it is that the ethics of our dealings with them, and with one another, must acknowledge the same fundamental moral principles.

At its deepest level, human ethics is based on the independent value of the individual: The moral worth of any one human being is not to be measured by how useful that person is in advancing the interest of other human beings. To treat human beings in ways that do not honor their independent value is to violate that most basic of human rights: the right of each person to be treated with respect.

The philosophy of animal rights demands only that logic be respected. For any argument that plausibly explains the independent value of human beings implies that other animals have this same value, and have it equally. And any argument that plausibly explains the right of humans to be treated with respect, also implies that these other animals have this same right, and have it equally, too.

It is true, therefore, that women do not exist to serve men, blacks to serve whites, the poor to serve the rich, or the weak to serve the strong. The philosophy of animal rights not only accepts these truths, it insists upon and justifies them.

But this philosophy goes further. By insisting upon and justifying the independent value and rights of other animals, it gives scientifically informed and morally impartial reasons for denying that these animals exist to serve us.

Once this truth is acknowledged, it is easy to understand why the philosophy of animal rights is uncompromising in its response to each and every injustice other animals are made to suffer.

It is not larger, cleaner cages that justice demands in the case of animals used in science, for example, but empty cages: not "traditional" animal agriculture, but a complete end to all commerce in the flesh of dead animals; not "more humane" hunting and trapping, but the total eradication of these barbarous practices.

For when an injustice is absolute, one must oppose it absolutely. It was not "reformed" slavery that justice demanded, not "re- formed" child labor, not "reformed" subjugation of women. In each of these cases, abolition was the only moral answer. Merely to reform injustice is to prolong injustice.

The philosophy of animal rights demands this same answer-- abolition--in response to the unjust exploitation of other animals. It is not the details of unjust exploitation that must be changed. It is the unjust exploitation itself that must be ended, whether on the farm, in the lab, or among the wild, for example. The philosophy of animal rights asks for nothing more, but neither will it be satisfied with anything less.

10 Reasons FOR Animal Rights and
Their Explanation

1. The philosophy of animal rights is rational
Explanation: It is not rational to discriminate arbitrarily. And discrimination against nonhuman animals is arbitrary. It is wrong to treat weaker human beings, especially those who are lacking in normal human intelligence, as "tools" or "renewable resources" or "models" or "commodities." It cannot be right, therefore, to treat other animals as if they were "tools," "models and the like, if their psychology is as rich as (or richer than) these humans. To think otherwise is irrational.

"To describe an animal as a physico-chemical system of extreme complexity is no doubt perfectly correct, except that it misses out on the 'animalness' of the animal."

-- E.F. Schumacher


2. The philosophy of animal rights is scientific
Explanation: The philosophy of animal rights is respectful of our best science in general and evolutionary biology in particular. The latter teaches that, in Darwin's words, humans differ from many other animals "in degree," not in kind." Questions of line drawing to one side, it is obvious that the animals used in laboratories, raised for food, and hunted for pleasure or trapped for profit, for example, are our psychological kin. This is no fantasy, this is fact, proven by our best science.

"There is no fundamental difference between humans and the higher mammals in their mental faculties"

-- Charles Darwin


3. The philosophy of animal rights is unprejudiced
Explanation: Racists are people who think that the members of their race are superior to the members of other races simply because the former belong to their (the "superior") race. Sexists believe that the members of their sex are superior to the members of the opposite sex simply because the former belong to their (the "superior") sex. Both racism and sexism are paradigms of unsupportable bigotry. There is no "superior" or "inferior" sex or race. Racial and sexual differences are biological, not moral, differences.

The same is true of speciesism -- the view that members of the species Homo sapiens are superior to members of every other species simply because human beings belong to one's own (the "superior") species. For there is no "superior" species. To think otherwise is to be no less predjudiced than racists or sexists.

"If you can justify killing to eat meat, you can justify the conditions of the ghetto. I cannot justify either one."

-- **** Gregory


4. The philosophy of animal rights is just
Explanation: Justice is the highest principle of ethics. We are not to commit or permit injustice so that good may come, not to violate the rights of the few so that the many might benefit. Slavery allowed this. Child labor allowed this. Most examples of social injustice allow this. But not the philosophy of animal rights, whose highest principle is that of justice: No one has a right to benefit as a result of violating another's rights, whether that "other" is a human being or some other animal.

"The reasons for legal intervention in favor of children apply not less strongly to the case of those unfortunate slaves -- the (other) animals"

- John Stuart Mill


5. The philosophy of animal rights is compassionate
Explanation: A full human life demands feelings of empathy and sympathy -- in a word, compassion -- for the victims of injustice -- whether the victims are humans or other animals. The philosophy of animal rights calls for, and its acceptance fosters the growth of, the virtue of compassion. This philosophy is, in Lincoln's workds, "the way of a whole human being."

"Compassion in action may be the glorious possibility that could protect our crowded, polluted planet ..."

-- Victoria Moran


6. The philosophy of animal rights is unselfish
Explanation: The philosophy of animal rights demands a commitment to serve those who are weak and vulnerable -- those who, whether they are humans or other animals, lack the ability to speak for or defend themselves, and who are in need of protection against human greed and callousness. This philosophy requires this commitment, not because it is in our self-interest to give it, but because it is right to do so. This philosophy therefore calls for, and its acceptance fosters the growth of, unselfish service.

"We need a moral philosophy in which the concept of love, so rarely mentioned now by philosophers, can once again be made central."

-- Iris Murdoch


7. The philosophy of animal rights is individually fulfilling
Explanation: All the great traditions in ethics, both secular and religious, emphasize the importance of four things: knowledge, justice, compassion, and autonomy. The philosophy of animal rights is no exception. This philosophy teaches that our choices should be based on knowledge, should be expressive of compassion and justice, and should be freely made. It is not easy to achieve these virtues, or to control the human inclinations toward greed and indifference. But a whole human life is imposssible without them. The philosophy of animal rights both calls for, and its acceptance fosters the growth of, individual self-fulfillment.

"Humaneness is not a dead external precept, but a living impulse from within; not self-sacrifice, but self-fulfillment."

-- Henry Salt


8. The philosophy of animal rights is socially progressive.
Explanation: The greatest impediment to the flourishing of human society is the exploitation of other animals at human hands. This is true in the case of unhealthy diets, of the habitual reliance on the "whole animal model" in science, and of the many other forms animal exploitation takes. And it is no less true of education and advertising, for example, which help deaden the human psyche to the demands of reason, impartiality, compassion, and justice. In all these ways (and more), nations remain profoundly backward because they fail to serve the true interests of their citizens.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated."

-- Mahatma Gandhi


9. The philosophy of animal rights is environmentally wise.
Explanation: The major cause of environmental degradation, including the greenhouse effect, water pollution, and the loss both of arable land and top soil, for example, can be traced to the exploitation of animals. This same pattern exists throughout the broad range of environmental problems, from acid rain and ocean dumping of toxic wastes, to air pollution and the destruction of natural habitat. In all these cases, to act to protect the affected animals (who are, after all, the first to suffer and die from these environmental ills), is to act to protect the earth.

"Until we establish a felt sense of kinship between our own species and those fellow mortals who share with us the sun and shadow of life on this agonized planet, there is no hope for other species, there is no hope for the environment, and there is no hope for ourselves."

-- Jon Wynne-Tyson


10. The philosophy of animal rights is peace-loving.
Explanation: The fundamental demand of the philosophy of animal rights is to treat humans and other animals with respect. To do this requires that we not harm anyone just so that we ourselves or others might benefit. This philosophy therefore is totally opposed to military aggression. It is a philosophy of peace. But it is a philosophy that extends the demand for peace beyond the boundaries of our species. For there is a war being waged, every day, against countless millions of nonhuman animals. To stand truly for peace is to stand firmly against speciesism. It is wishful thinking to believe that there can be "peace in the world" if we fail to bring peace to our dealings with other animals.

"If by some miracle in all our struggle the earth is spared from nuclear holocaust, only justice to every living thing will save humankind."

-- Alice Walker

10 Reasons AGAINST
Animal Rights and
Their Replies
1. You are equating animals and humans, when, in fact, humans and animals differ greatly.
Reply: We are not saying that humans and other animals are equal in every way. For example, we are not saying that dogs and cats can do calculus, or that pigs and cows enjoy poetry. What we are saying is that, like humans, many other animals are psychological beings, with an experiential welfare of their own. In this sense, we and they are the same. In this sense, therefore, despite our many differences, we and they are equal.

"All the arguments to prove man's superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering, the animals are our equals."

-- Peter Singer


2. You are saying that every human and every other animal has the same rights, which is absurd. Chickens cannot have the right to vote, nor can pigs have a right to higher education.
Reply: We are not saying that humans and other animals always have the same rights. Not even all human beings have the same rights. For example, people with serious mental disadvantages do not have a right to higher education. What we are saying is that these and other humans share a basic moral right with other animals -- namely, the right to be treated with respect.

"It is the fate of every truth to be an object of ridicule when it is first acclaimed."

-- Albert Schweitzer


3. If animals have rights, then so do vegetables, which is absurd.
Reply: Many animals are like us: they have a psychological welfare of their own. Like us, therefore, these animals have a right to be treated with respect. On the other hand, we have no reason, and certainly no scientific one, to believe that carrots and tomatoes, for example, bring a psychological presence to the world. Like all other vegetables, carrots and tomatoes lack anything resembling a brain or central nervous system. Because they are deficient in these respects, there is no reason to think of vegetables as psychological beings, with the capacity to experience pleasure and pain, for example. It is for these reasons that one can rationally affirm rights in the case of animals and deny them in the case of vegetables.

"The case for animal rights depends only on the need for sentiency."

-- Andrew Linzey


4. Where do you draw the line? If primates and rodents have rights, then so do slugs and amoebas, which is absurd.
Reply: It often is not easy to know exactly where to "draw the line." For example, we cannot say exactly how old someone must be to be old, or how tall someone must be to be tall. However, we can say, with certainty, that someone who is eighty-eight is old, and that another person who is 7'1" is tall. Similarly, we cannot say exactly where to draw the line when it comes to those animals who have a psychology. But we can say with absolute certainty that, wherever one draws the line on scientific grounds, primates and rodents are on one side of it (the psychological side), whereas slugs and amoebas are on the other -- which does not mean that we may destroy them unthinkingly.

"In the relations of humans with the animals, with the flowers, with all the objects of creation, there is a whole great ethic scarcely seen as yet."

-- Victor Hugo


5. But surely there are some animals who can experience pain but lack a unified psychological identity. Since these animals do not have a right to be treated with respect, the philosophy of animal rights implies that we can treat them in any way we choose.
Reply: It is true that some animals, like shrimp and clams, may be capable of experiencing pain yet lack most other psychological capacities. If this is true, then they will lack some of the rights that other animals possess. However, there can be no moral justification for causing anyone pain, if it is unnecessary to do so. And since it is not necessary that humans eat shrimp, clams, and similar animals, or utilize them in other ways, there can be no moral justification for causing them the pain that invariably accompanies such use.

"The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor 'Can they talk?' but 'Can they suffer?"

-- Jeremy Bentham


6. Animals don't respect our rights. Therefore, humans have no obligation to respect their rights either.
Reply: There are many situations in which an individual who has rights is unable to respect the rights of others. This is true of infants, young children, and mentally enfeebled and deranged human beings. In their case we do not say that it is perfectly all right to treat them disrespectfully because they do not honor our rights. On the contrary, we recognize that we have a duty to treat them with respect, even though they have no duty to treat us in the same way.

What is true of cases involving infants, children, and the other humans mentioned, is no less true of cases involving other animals, Granted, these animals do not have a duty to respect our rights. But this does not erase or diminsh our obligation to respect theirs.

"The time will come when people such as I will look upon the murder of (other) animals as they no look upon the murder of human beings."

-- Leonardo Da Vinci


7. Removed. If you do wish to quote and make such discussions, please do not include religion in it. That is a direct violation of the TOS. Edited by Linds.


8. Only humans have immortal souls. This gives us the right to treat the other animals as we wish.
Reply: Many religions teach that all animals, not just humans, have immortal souls. However, even if only humans are immortal, this would only prove that we live forever whereas other animals do not. And this fact (if it is a fact) would increase, not decrease, our obligation to insure that this -- the only life other animals have -- be as long and as good as possible.

"There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to other animals as well as humans, it is all a sham."

-- Anna Sewell


9. If we respect the rights of animals, and do not eat or exploit them in other ways, then what are we supposed to do with all of them? In a very short time they will be running through our streets and homes.
Reply: Somewhere between 4-5 billion animals are raised and slaughtered for food every year, just in the United States. The reason for this astonishingly high number is simple: there are consumers who eat very large amounts of animal flesh. The supply of animals meets the demand of buyers.

When the philosophy of animal rights triumphs, however, and people become vegetarians, we need not fear that there will be billions of cows and pigs grazing in the middle of our cities or in our living rooms. Once the financial incentive for raising billions of these animals evaporates, there simply will no be not be millions of these animals. And the same reasoning applies in other cases -- in the case of animals bred for research, for example. When the philosophy of animal rights prevails, and this use of these animals cease, then the financial incentive for breeding millions of them will cease, too.

"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of inhumanity"

-- George Bernard Shaw


10. Even if other animals do have moral rights and should be protected, there are more important things that need our attention -- world hunger and child abuse, for example, apartheid, drugs, violence to women, and the plight of the homeless. After we take care of these problems, then we can worry about animals rights.
Reply: The animal rights movement stands as part of, not apart from, the human rights movement. The same philosophy that insists upon and defends the rights of nonhuman animals also insists upon and defends the rights of human beings.

At a practical level, moreover, the choice thoughtful people face is not between helping humans or helping other animals. One can do both. People do not need to eat animals in order to help the homeless, for example, any more than they need to use cosmetics that have been tested on animals in order to help children. In fact, people who do respect the rights of nonhuman animals, by not eating them, will be healthier, in which case they actually will be able to help human beings even more.

"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being."

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 04-06-04, 11:40 PM   #2
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Interesting. So what is it you are trying to get across? Sorry, I didn't read the whole thing in depth. Basically to treat animals with respect, and stop the eating of animals and keeping of them as pets? I'm sorry if that's not the main issue here. I speed-read..ed.

Are you a member of PETA?

Tammy Rehbein
-You can search all day for something and never find it, only to see it in the most obvious of places after you've stopped looking.-
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Old 04-06-04, 11:50 PM   #3
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Dude, you been asked numerous times now to stop posting links to your forums.. Is it such a hard concept to grasp?? You have had a couple names banned now, yet you keep making new ones.. I think its time to take permanent action.. I understand what you're doing is for a 'good' cause, but you're not following the rules and requests of the moderation team here.. Sorry it had to come to this..
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Old 04-07-04, 12:21 AM   #4
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Our goal is to spread the word of animal abuse...I think its alright to keep them as pets though....

Matt_k this forum section is for societies right? Well heres my society....
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Old 04-07-04, 12:23 AM   #5
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Oh and im not a member of Peta....i have my own society....
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Old 04-07-04, 12:37 AM   #6
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So if we want to treat animals with respect let's get down to there level. The stronger animals eat the weaker animals right? but we can't eat them because that is an injustice to there rights??? I rarely, if ever eat meat, but it's for health reasons and not cause I thinks it's wrong. I feed mice to my snakes but my husband shouldn't eat a chicken???
In the words of a Ball python, "I won't eat it, but I'll squeeze it."
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Old 04-07-04, 01:17 AM   #7
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I'm vegan, and even I am annoyed by this.
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Old 04-07-04, 02:02 AM   #8
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Hmmm... so let me get this straight. You believe that you can improve upon Mother Nature and that the food chain needs to be eliminated? No difference between me eating a chicken and my snake eating one... so you believe that snakes should eat vegetables too? Hmmm... and yet you say it is ok to keep them as pets? That sure isn't equal rights. We don't keep people as pets in cages. Hehehe... little People Habitats set up at the local zoo I don't know about?

Of course animals have rights. They have the right to be treated with respect. This shouldn't be confused with treating them like people. We all have our place in the scheme of things, we shouldn't forget that.

The philosophy of animal rights demands only that logic be respected
Well, sorry to break it to you but there is absolutley no logic in the above statements. It is all highly unnatural, and completely disrespectful to mother nature's design, not to mention a total upset to the balance of things. No person alive can improve on evolution
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Old 04-07-04, 02:15 AM   #9
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Well, there might be a few people that should be "evolved" out of the picture...
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 04-07-04, 03:24 AM   #10
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So you think this is all right?:
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Old 04-07-04, 03:27 AM   #11
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My comment is this. It seems to me that there are a number of "it has been proven that"s and "it is known that"s. I am under the impression (as a university student) that academically these statements are not valid unless apropriately backed up. A lot of the conclusions that have been drawn from the quotes provide seem like large jumps in logic--that is the quotes don't completely back up the statements


And discrimination against nonhuman animals is arbitrary.
The greatest impediment to the flourishing of human society is the exploitation of other animals at human hands.
I have to comment on this next one specifically:

The major cause of environmental degradation, including the greenhouse effect, water pollution, and the loss both of arable land and top soil, for example, can be traced to the exploitation of animals.
I am under the impression from most of the green house gas articles that i have read that the leading cause of these kinds of polution was the consumption and use of fossil fuels...from oil...from animals that died millions if not billions of years ago. Am I to believe that you want me to be held accountable for exploiting and animal that died before humans existed?

On the other hand, we have no reason, and certainly no scientific one, to believe that carrots and tomatoes, for example, bring a psychological presence to the world.
It seems to me that when I turn a plant away from the sun, the leaves will rotate back into the sunlight and the plant will grow towards the sun. This may not be a thought process but it is enough to convince me that the plant is aware of how to get what it needs. Plants may not have the same type of nervous system that we do but they are susceptible to damage and do react, albeit slowly, to negative stimuli. Therefore according to your logic we should not exploit them...lets live on air...

It often is not easy to know exactly where to "draw the line."
To truly embrace the philosophy as you describe it there should be no line.

Some of your ideas are good and I do agree with you in terms of respecting animals. However humans have an intestinal system that is designed to process both vegetable and animal matter. As with people who eat all or mostly meat, those that eat all or mostly vegetable are likely lacking key materials that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
From a non-extremist point of view: the general concesus of people is to eat meat. There is a high demand for animal product and to help with the moral issues of the way that animals are farmed, governments have formed guidelines that are constantly changing to the benefit of the animals. These guidelines define what methods are considered humane for euthanizing, and control the husbandry of these animals.

Part of getting people to believe in your cause is to not give them a chunk of information that says their entire lifestyle is amoral and wrong, but to change little by little. Don't be surprised if you hear a lot worse than this...


1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.0 Mexican Black King Snake

A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 04-07-04, 03:57 AM   #12
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gonna respond to your post that you made before I finished mine...That is exactly the kind of attitude that turns people off of your train of thought. Shock therapy doesn't work...its why they don't use it anymore.
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.0 Mexican Black King Snake

A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 04-07-04, 08:54 AM   #13
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Originally posted by TakeAction
So you think this is all right?:
*sarcastically* Yeah, that's exactly what we're saying...

Man, you're in the wrong place... everyone here loves and respects their animals. Go find an animal abuse forum to nag with your self-righteous quotes and crap. Stop wasting our time...
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 04-07-04, 09:14 AM   #14
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Hi, I read the post, i have too say you have a few errors in what youve said some of which have been pointed out, quite well bye Yness, as well did you have permission too use those picks you complied ?? and lastly, what is the name of "your own society" ?? and does it consist of more then just you ? you should think about what your doing, there are people out there actually trying too make things better and its people like you that hold them back and make people laugh at the serious ones, Maybe the best way too help is too let somebody do it properly.
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Old 04-07-04, 04:46 PM   #15
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Just so you guys know, This 'takeaction' person is also, Dr. Herp and reptile171 aswell as a couple other people.. Despite the fact that he's PM'd me to say that he is NOT Landon.

Landon Jacob Cowling

That's his username over at the FaunaClassifieds.. Preaching this same stuff over there and getting the same response...

Funny how just a couple days ago he was asking what kind of forum he should start, the said he would be starting a monitor forum.. now this??
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