Yes it does work well i have used it in the past. The only problems that you will incounter with this product is that every snail has to be dosed. If you have large simply doesnt work, solely due to the fact that there is just too much volume, and even with multiply bottles it will not blend enough to kill everything. Had a snail does also not kill the eggs, which equals more snails. Some species when dosed with this product will actually leave the water. While some will burry themselves into the sand. Thus leaving the medication effectiveless. Now if you use some of the above mentioned ways in combination to this product you will stand a better chance. But i will also warn that prolonged or improper mixing of this product in planted and some other delicate type species tanks can have disasterous effects. So with any chemical use with extreme caution. Sorry, im not a huge fan of chemicals, i only use them if absolutely necessary and prefer personally to go the o'natural way when possible.