Thanks for the complements guys. Shane, most of the plants are Cryptocoryne sp. (wendtii, balansae etc), Anubias nana, some Crinum natans, so mostly Asian species. I have 4, 40 watt tubes over top to get decent growth.
As for the catfish Julie (or Tim), there are actually 8-10 assorted corys and 5 Brochis splendens (emerald green cats, a lot like corys) in there, as well as 5 Otocinclus and 2 Siamensis algae eaters. They tend to be less visible with all the plants. The big black hoplo had a mate about 5 years ago (she's about 6 or 7 years old) but I had a heater stick and it cooked the male (she survived temps of 97 F!).
Til Later,