I like the logo, just a few things I would like to point out looking at some very famous logos. In general, black is a difficult color for a background on a logo. Whatever you want to post it on, has to be black, or have an ugly black square where the sticker is for example. Also if you insist on using black, you may want to consider very white whites, not grays. It will 'pop' much more, and be easier to read from a distance (more appealing to the eye, more contrast). The last thing, I love the snake drawing, and you can keep it, but if your goal was a more 'traditional' logo, most if not all, have a clip art type thing, filled with a solid color. And the 'shape' is what becomes famous (like the twitter bird for example).
Here is a few examples that I find say 'logo' when you see them (again I like yours, just input from a business standpoint)
Edited the images, found much better ones.
Again you don't have to do something like this. Another typical logo trend, is to have the 'logo' or icon, be part of the actual title. Blend into the worlds, or have a tail of a snake underline your company name or something. Hope some of that made sense, best of luck!
You will also have much less problems creating something in 1 or 2 colors, or just black and white, and solid as opposed to textured. With regards to creating banners, business cards, etc. The human mind likes to remember simple images. Think about what 'trademark logos' you remember best, and what they all have in common and go from that.
Another point looking at your logo. Its very difficult to incorporate image into the title when your title is pretty long (yours is). Perhaps you can have bold letters NG and have a snake incorporated into those letters some how. And underneath along the bottom border of NG have the words next generation.