heres one of my exchanges concerning this female, for thos interested
Hi Steve,
Comments below from the university vet. At the time she didn't know that the animal had died of heat stress; the 'no "suddenly"' comment means that this was something that was a long time going wrong. I talked to her later, and she agrees that the GI tract and spleen abnormalities were probably short-term things, the result of the animal being overheated, and not informative regarding its health otherwise.
Talking with her more, the liver could look like that from a chronic bacterial infection (Salmonella most likely), or from coccidia, or from any of several viruses that are showing up in herps and causing hepatitis. Whatever, she suggests that you try to find out (via fecal samples), because those causes would most likely be present in all animals exposed to this one.
Sorry it's not definitive, hard to tell a huge amount from just a photo.
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: RE: female croc
There's no "suddenly" in that gross necropsy photos. That liver looks to have multifocal lesions that appear granulomatous. That takes time to develop. The GI tract is not happy either. I'd bet on chronic bacterial infection. To really diagnose this case: impression smear of a cut section of the liver might reveal organisms. Histopathology of tissues to make the final diagnosis.
Diane McClure, DVM, PhD, ACLAM
Campus Vet/Director
Animal Resource Center
University of California
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 11:36 PM
Subject: Fw: female croc
Jeez, good things come in bunches! Another contact, another abruptly dead monitor, what is this, Dead Monitor Week? The liver lesions look pretty bad, but the GI tract and spleen ain't looking too good either. Follicles of several sizes, oviduct looks like it's been used before. Why are the kidney lobes of different colors?
At ten bucks a look, you might be able to make a decent living off this.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: female croc
Hello Sam
This female died yesterday, she seems to have a bad liver? Can you tell me anything from this photo.
She’s in the freezer now, is there anything I can do with her body that may be helpful to science?
post mortem photo