Hello Everyone,
I have just gotten a 2 year old female corn snake. This is my first snake. The previous owner had given me their tank and supplies, along with general tips about corn snake ownership. I have looked up a few things since getting her yesterday and it appears most if not everything i have been told is wrong. This is why i have come here searching for your help.
The tank provided is roughly 2ft/1ft in size, at a glance the snake appears to be 3ft in length possibly longer. i was told that the snake is 2 years old and was told it will not get any bigger. in the tank is a small water pool, a hollow rock house, a weird curved small log, as well as 2 hanging bundles of fake leaves. i am using Aspin snake bedding shavings for the under lay, as recommended by the previous owner. Also the take is heated by a 150 watt heat lamp. The previous owner has kept the light on 24/7 and told us to do so.
After looking on Google, it appears that the tank is too small, the pool is to small, the kind of bedding is bad, and that heat lamps are bad.
As i am a new snake owner im not overly knowledgeable on this subject and would like to learn proper ways of corn snake care before i develop bad habits, i will provide a picture of the tank with snake in it.
Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!