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09-01-04, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
Microchipping RULES!
I have ALL my furry pets in the house chipped. My Jack Russell, and our three cats. This way, if anything should happen they will ALWAYS know these animals belong to me. It's something I think should be mandatory. The BEST part about chipping is you can go online and update/change your dogs information. I had an older dog chipped, and on his online "profile" which you could access with his chip number, I was able to write that he was very old,blind and deaf with a tenedency to get lost.
If anyone lives near my area, I have the name/number of an EXCELLENT dog/cat vet who is EXTREMELY well priced, and best of all, a walk-in clinic so no apointment needed.
09-01-04, 02:58 PM
Join Date: Jun-2003
Location: Toronto/Canada
Age: 43
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I have been reading all this and think that is all the owners,
another thing for those who have worked in shelters ect.. think of what u are exposed too all dogs who are neglicted abused mistreated, how can u judg any of those dogs on a well breed and raised dog.
look at the stats on kids that grow up in abusive homes, juvie, and foster care, there statistacally more likly to hurt other people and be criminal, sure not all are, but what is the dif.
i dont trust myself around anyones dog untill i get to know them its a animal, nor do i trust people till i get to know them. we are all animals.
09-01-04, 03:09 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: toronto
Posts: 161
$.01 more ....as i will not allow my dog to go near a pit or if i had children i would not allow them to go near 1...i am depriving myself of a favorite pit owners saying...'it's never bitten anyone before' lol
09-01-04, 03:33 PM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: New Mexico
Age: 45
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Ok.. what just happened here?? Man, play nice and you won't get banned... it's easy! =)
09-01-04, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: Ontario
Age: 46
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hmmmmmmmmm..for sure
09-01-04, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: St. Thomas
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Last time I checked there were over 10 pages of posts here, and now it's at 7... did some get eaten?
09-01-04, 06:44 PM
Join Date: May-2004
Location: Leader, Saskatchewan
Age: 44
Posts: 122
I hope this topic is allowed to continue, so far I've seen a lot of people voicing their opinion in a respectful manner and hopefully people on both sides of the issue have been learning something. I noticed the missing pages as well but I did't see anything that would warrant a lock on this thread.
It's pretty obvious that I'm pro-pitty but I'm still capable of seeing the other sides point of view, I just have to say that I think too many people have all their knowledge of this subject directly from the media which to sum it up in one word is "useless" information.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."
0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
09-01-04, 08:09 PM
Join Date: Apr-2003
Location: Welland. Ont
Age: 45
Posts: 123
I'm also a proud owner of a pit mix. She is half pit and half rotti , but she resembles and acts like a pure pit. She is the most loyal and loving dog I have ever had or encountered. Anyone who meets her falls in love with her and I have had easily over a dozen people ask to buy her because of what a big suck she is and how well behaved she is. So I truly believe that it is how a dog is raised, trained, and treated that determines whether it will attack.
As for the pit attack that happened in Toronto, it was announced on the news tonight that the owner is not going to be charged because the the guy that was attacked was the actual breeder of those dogs.
And for the banning issue, they may go ahead and implement it but they will never be able to enforce it without being sued up the *** for discrimination. It's the same reason londlords can't legally refuse to rent to people with animals. They will be able to destroy the ones that end up in shelters, and confiscate the ones that are being mistreated and abused, but legally they can't touch the ones that are owned by responsible owners and this has only been proven by Kitcheners ban, There's still pitts living there and still being adopted out of their shelters. And if they do start trying to confiscate responsible owners pitts I will be the first one in court fighting it.
If they don't do a total ban and instead decide to make every one get a liscence then I strongly encourage them to also start requiring people to have a liscence to have children, because there are 10 times the amount of bad parents then bad pit owners and there is no difference between irresponsible parents letting their children run the streets at all hours of the night doing who the hell knows what and an irresponsible pit owner letting his dog of the leash and not controlling it.
0.1 Ball Python, 1.0 Savanah Monitor, 1.1 German Giants, 1.0.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Argentine Black & White Tegu, 1.1 Leopard Gecko's, 0.1 Red Eared Slider, 1.0 Albino Pac Man Frog, plus a dog, cat, fish, hamster, and newt
09-01-04, 08:30 PM
Join Date: Aug-2004
Location: Arizona
Age: 52
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Pit bulls
We have 4 pitbulls all papered 2 are rednoses and 2 are blues and yes they are great dogs that are very good to there owners.Yes pits do get a bad rap but it is no different than any other dog you just do not hear about there bads. It is not just pits that people fight or make evil they are just the most popular in the news .. Pits do require alot of attention but that is part of the dedication you must give to have such a loyal dog..
Thank You
09-01-04, 10:41 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: pickering
Posts: 308
Hey Matt_k i was just reading your story, nice. You should have slapped him good. that is what we are talking about "bad owners".he is the type of owner that would say it was your fault that his dog bite you and riped you a new one. I have a rotti and she would not run over to someone with another dog barking. she knows better,she would just sit there and stare.LOL. she is very talerante of others(dogs or human) she loves to play but knows when it is the right time and place. I wish i was there when that happen, i would have given him my 2 cents worth.The only thing my rotti hates in drunk people but again she would not bite them just worn them with a bark. oh ya and for all the people that are saying they should ban the breed, i guess you have nevr owned a dog or you are one of those people that thinks your little dog would never doing anything like this. again my daughter was bite by a small dog and no one would do anything about it because of its size so dont going on here saying that they should ban a dog for what maybe 5 biteings per year. oh ya and yes the dog did leave a nice mark(will acaully a nice hole on the bottom of her foot) and this dog was always doing this to people and chasing people around even kids. so the old ban the breed is not fair,so whats next they are going to ban all dogs and then all cats as they have had attacks happen aswell.
09-01-04, 11:09 PM
Join Date: Jul-2003
Location: Toronto
Age: 36
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i believed that it has been down sized to 7 pages was cause they deleted some unneed post,i could be wrong just a guess. I was wondering if anyone has an update as to what is happening with this law??? Maybe i missed someone that posted?
Also could a mod help me make a poll??? or is it to late to make one. I wanted to see how many people here would like to see them banned and people that wishs them not to be banned. It seems theres just a little bit more that wishs them not to be banned
1.1 Panther Chameleon Nosy Be
0.1 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Jackson Chameleon
Last edited by meow_mix450; 09-01-04 at 11:13 PM..
09-02-04, 09:02 AM
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: outside of the box
Age: 57
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i don't think they should be banned. but i do think people who want to own this breed should have to go through a series of applications and maybe even extensive training on how to properly care for them. maybe that would weed out the bad folks who exploit these animals into the horrors of fighting them.
09-02-04, 10:26 AM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: New Mexico
Age: 45
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Hudson - I agree with you 100% but even pits that are just being WALKED by a minor are confiscated and euthanized without regard to temperment or involvement in dogfights or not. (I think I saw it on Aniimal Planet) and this was in Detroit. I was horrified to see a teenager walking his pitbull down the street when Animal Control authorities of some sort stopped him, asked his age and took his dog. The dog went to the shelter and was put down. I think it was a suspect in dogfighting, but according to what was shown, there was no trial, jury or even a hope for this dog to be freed. The dog was guilty, just for being the breed that it was. Horrible, I would sue like there was no tomorrow if that happened to me...
After seeing this program I wrote an e-mail to an organization in Detroit, and never recieved a response. It just makes me sick that humans kill other humans and animals, pollute the earth and start wars, yet are allowed at least to live in prison. I can't believe that these dogs are just being euthanized like that... even puppies! Now that's sick... =(
P.S. I live in Albuquerque and this incident occured not too far from where I JUST moved with my dog (the place I was staying at before didn't allow dogs, so I moved to keep her); a ban would definately affect her and I, so keep your fingers crossed that this guy didn't ruin it for me or anyone else. (The way they "play" with pitbulls around here is to smack them in the face... sometimes the reason why pits turn on their owners unexpectedly... it's so sad...)
Last edited by Samba; 09-02-04 at 10:35 AM..
09-02-04, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Posts: 4,768
I spoke to a former town councilor about municipalities banning animals. I was under the impression that when a municipal government is presented with this type of problem they almost always opt for a ban because it is a lot less work then preparing all the legislation required for creating new by-laws that govern the owner ship of certain animals. I always thought that they shied away from creating grandfather clauses, new registration requirements, permits etc and the enforcement officer that would either have to be hired to enforce the new by-laws or contracted out because of time and money constraints. I was told however that none of that have anything to do with it. I was told that these decisions are always 100% political. Municipal governments do what they their constituents want. They are after all the people who elected them and will either re-elect them or throw them out when the next election comes. So in the interest of staying re-elected they simply do what the majority of the voting public wants. If 2000 people say they want them banned and only 1999 say they don't want them banned, well guess what.
This was just the insight of one former municipal councilor and should be view as an opinion and taken with a grain of salt. It is still an interesting view that I had never considered before.
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